




1.国家档案馆 ... 国立档案馆( The National Archives) 美国植物园( U.S. Botanic Garden) ...

5.英国国家档案局由英国国家档案局(The National Archives)出版,阅读对象主要是档案馆员、档案管理者及所有对档案(archives)与文件(records) …

6.封藏於英国国家档案馆他的一些文件今封藏於英国国家档案馆The National Archives)。当时薛福成在日记中沉痛地表示:“英人初志在得入城见大 …

7.国家档案館National Council on Archives)及国家档案館((The National Archives)的支持及

8.美国家档案馆美国家档案馆The National Archives)使数字化的努力成为可能,他们将整份文件存于微型胶卷中,整个工作历时近五年,共 …


1.Statistics released by the National Archives this August would suggest the silver screen is not the only place we are seeing UFOs.国家档案馆8月份发布的数据表明,我们并非只能在银幕上看到UFO。

2.Today, with few exceptions, Hoover's FBI files are open for any American to see at the National Archives.除了极少部分以外,胡佛任期内联邦调查局的文件现在已经对美国人开放,任何人都能在国家档案馆查阅。

3.A head tax was also imposed. Records of those who paid the head tax are still available for viewing in the National Archives of Canada.那些交了人头税的人,其档案至今还可以在加拿大国家档案馆查阅到。

4.One hundred years after his death, Lee's oath turned up in the National Archives.李死后一百年,他对国家的誓言重新被列入国会。

5.At the National Archives and Records Administration, we have no shortage of paper records to digitize or transcribe.在美国国家档案馆和记录管理局,我们不缺少将要数字化和翻译的纸质记录(档案)。

6.The National Archives is the U. S. Government's collection of documents that records important events in American history.国家档案馆(TheNationalArchives)是美国政府收集记载美国重要历史事件文档的机构。

7.The National Archives and Records Administration is the official record keeper for the United States.(美国国家档案文件管理局是美国的官方档案保存机构)。

8.Most of it's in the National Archives: the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.俄罗斯需要的东西大多在美国国家档案馆里:人权法案,宪法和独立宣言。

9.who want to preserve information or places pke the national archives where they have huge numbers of documents, would really benefit.如此说来,我们的博物馆和国家档案馆都需要存储大量文件,而此记忆水晶的问世之后,它们将成为真正的受益者。

10.The majority of gifts are not accepted for their personal use, but rather on behalf of the United States and sent to the National Archives.而且这些礼物大多数都不供他们私人使用,而是他们代表国家接受的,被送到国家档案馆保存。