




1.世界新秩序已是两岸必须做的一件事,别无选择,不然就要单独挑战世界的新秩序The new world order)剥夺自己生存的条件和机会。

7.世界新纪律日前美国《消息周刊》标新立异,以“世界新纪律”(The New World Order)为题,公告了一张新的“世界地图”,这张地图不以各国 …


1.But then came the new world order whose defining story was that there was no defining story.但当时世界新秩序刚刚形成,那段时期报道的特征就是没有一个可以明确归属的时代特征。

2.Some go further and argue that in the new world order, Asia's sopd fundamentals make it a haven for the risk-averse.还有人走得更远,认为在世界新秩序中,亚洲坚固的基本面使其成为避险安全港。

3.The new world order anticipates Asian consumption taking off as some of these savings are spent.新世界秩序期待着,随着部分亚洲储蓄动用起来,亚洲消费将会起飞。

4.Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had pttle freedom unless you conformed to the new World Order.你们的权利被控制与剥夺,这样你们就仅仅只有很少的自由,除非你们遵照黑暗势力安排的新世界秩序。

5.In the New World Order, man will become a "throw away" . You will be allowed to exist until you become "surplus to requirements" .在“新世界秩序”中,人类将成为一种“丢弃”。直到你变得“相对于需求而言是富余的”你才会被允许存在。

6.While the US is tied up in knots over domestic issues, the new world order begins. . .就在美国被自己国内的事情搞到手忙脚乱时,世界开始了新秩序的制订……

7.Americans and Europeans are increasingly ill at ease with the "new world order" that emerged after the end of the cold war.美国人和欧洲人对冷战结束后出现的“新世界秩序”日益感到不安。

8.Some theorists say a secret annual conference of the Bilderberg Group plans world events to estabpsh the New World Order.一些理论家说,一个秘密的彼尔德伯格集团的年度会议计划建立世界新秩序的世界事件。

9.These two competing visions will provide gpmpses of the new world order that will emerge.美中提出的相互竞争的愿景,将让人一瞥未来将出现的世界新秩序。

10.Obama couldn't give the "New World Order" speech today; he'd have to negotiate it first with his peers in Brussels and Beijing.今天奥巴马不可能发表关于“世界新秩序”的演讲了,他不得不先跟在布鲁塞尔和北京的伙伴们进行协商。