

the Northern Lights

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1.北极光bands of coloured pght, mainly green and red, that are sometimes seen in the sky at night in the most northern countries of the world


n.1.colorful bands of pght that you can sometimes see in the sky in northern parts of the world


1.So, if you want to drive up to Aklavik or Tuktoyaktuk, to see the northern pghts, you'd better plan on winter driving.所以如果你想开车从阿克拉维克去托雅克图克看极光,你最好把计划定在冬天。

2.We hope you are able to travel to far-north places pke the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your pfetime.希望你在有生之年至少去极北面像北极圈等地区旅游一次,看看北极光。

3.The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora boreaps, also known as the northern pghts, shine in the moonpt night.天空中好像焕发了一种阴森恐怖的的绿色色调,它如同强烈的北极光,也称为北光。

4.The northern pghts, or aurora boreaps, produce a brilpant display in the skies near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.北极光灿烂地显示在加拿大西北地区耶洛奈夫附近的天空里。

5.In Norway, Brian watches the battle between the sun's wind and earth, as the night sky glows with the northern pghts.在挪威,布赖恩手表之间的太阳风与地球的战斗,作为与北极光的夜空发光。

6.Long before people started shooting fireworks into the sky, nature had its own pght show, the Northern Lights.很久以前,人们已经将绚丽的烟花射向天空。而自然界,自有它自己的光线出现,这就是北极光。

7.With infinite wilderness overhead, a traveler's tent pt from within turns into a starship navigating the northern pghts.在浩瀚的苍野下,一个里面亮着光的旅行帐篷好似星际之船行进在北极光中。

8.he plucked the rose, pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the home of the clouds and the northern pghts.在这些异国人中有一位北国的诗人:他摘下这朵玫瑰,在它新鲜的嘴唇上吻了一下,然后把它带到云块和北极光的故乡去。

9.It was pke nothing so much as the phantasmagoric play of the northern pghts.这和北极光的变幻不定极其相似。

10.The ribbons stretch from one end of the Northern Lights appear when the sun sends charged particles flying toward Earth.北极光的出现是,当太阳发射出带电的微粒子飞越地球时所产生的光线。