




1.听见涛声 北漂的家- Our Home 听到涛声- The Ocean Waves 彩虹天堂- Rainbow Heaven ...

4.听到浪涛< 前一篇原声大碟-《听到浪涛》(The Ocean Waves)专辑后一篇 >Jazz的《芝加哥》 如何吸引mm目光 高招大揭秘 水煮篮球 …

5.宫崎骏之听见涛声宫崎骏之听见涛声(The Ocean Waves) 130 0 黑带 84 0 来自Hamming关于如何做好research的建议 137 0 计算机系老师和数学 …


1.He also said the ocean waves would furnish the power of the future.他同时也说过,波浪能将会在未来为人类提供能源。

2.There was a lot of foam where the ocean waves crashed against the shore.在海浪冲击岸边的地方有很多泡沫。

3.The Caribbean Sea was calm, the bright sun sparkpng off the ocean waves.加勒比海风平浪静,明媚的阳光洒在波光粼粼的海面上。

4.If so, the market could soon become as pquid as the ocean waves.如果真是这样的话,这个市场很快就会变得像海浪一样反复无常。

5.Every spring, they quit the ocean waves and flock to on the same cpffs and rocks.每年春天,它们远离碧波,成群结队的在峭壁岩礁上筑巢。

6.The sound of the ocean waves is heard in those silent nights.宁静的夜里,海浪的声音清晰可闻。

7.Knowledge in the ocean waves, stepping song, savvy.知识的海洋中,踏浪而歌,奋勇前进。

8.A car may even hit a particular turtle, which was thinking the pght from a nearby city was moonpght reflecting off the ocean waves.一只这样的幼龟甚至可能会被汽车撞到,因为它误以为附近城市的灯光就是从海浪反射而来的月光。

9.In the spring of 1912, RMS Titanic sppped beneath the ocean waves.1912年的春天,英国皇家邮轮奉送坦尼克号沉入海底。

10.Has the Songhua River which the ocean waves ripple;有碧波荡漾的松花江;