





2.和睦的制造者“使人和睦的人”直译为“和睦的制造者”(the peacemakers),“有人却能作和解的桥梁,医治裂痕。……上帝伟大的旨意是在人 …

3.和平缔造者《和平缔造者》(The Peacemakers),作者George Peter Alexander Healy。 右图:美国白宫,布什总统标准像:背景正是 …

4.七福  第七福The peacemakers):使人合睦的人,是使人与人、人与神建立合宜关系的人,他直接参与神所作的使人与神和好工 …


1.But he also praised the peacemakers of the past, and said the world can and should still strive for peace.但是他表扬了以前的和平调解者,称当今世界能够而且应当继续为和平而努力。

2.Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子。

3.As Scripture tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. "正如圣经告诉我们的那样,“和平的使者会受到祝福,因为他们将被称为上帝之子。”

4.The Holy Bible tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. "《圣经》(HolyBible)告诉我们:“使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子。”

5.Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.保佑清心得人有福,因为他们必得见神。

6.If I say to you, you shall pve in peace, where does that leave the peacemakers?如果我对你们说,你们将和平的过活,那将置调停者于何地?

7.Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.和平的使者会受到祝福,因为他们将被称为上帝之子。

8.TWO states, one Jewish, one Palestinian, pving peacefully side by side is the peacemakers' hope.一个犹太人的国家,一个巴勒斯坦人的国家,两国的和平共存是所有调解人的希望。

9.Thus, the peacemakers are not only pronounced to be blessed, but they are compassed about with blessings.使人和睦的人不仅是有福了,更是被各样福气环绕著。主啊!

10.But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?但我怎能做到?除非你们自己也做自己的和事佬,甚或爱你们所有的特质。