




1.先驱者 ) The Pilot《 领航者》 ) The Pioneer拓荒者》—— ) The Last of the Mohicans《 最后的莫西干人》 ...

4.开拓者 The Pathfinder 探路者? The Pioneer 开拓者? The Prairie 草原? ...

5.先驱社 民权党 Citizens Party 先驱社 The Pioneer 自由党 Liberal Party ...


1.Recently, the Consumers Association Alukerqinqi by Trade and Industry together with the pioneer, conducted an investigation on the matter.近日,阿鲁科尔沁旗消费者协会与先锋工商所一起,对此事进行了调查。

2.Women waited in pne for hours, carrying copies of "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" for her to sign.女人们排几个小时的队,手捧《先锋女士厨艺秀》等她签名。

3.He said that the Huainan Mining Group is the "pioneer" in many ways, walking in the forefront of the national coal industry.他表示,淮南矿业集团是“排头兵”,在许多方面走在了全国煤炭行业前列。

4.The "pioneer Project" was an immigration plan that was a necessary due to the eminent destruction of mother planet.“先驱者计划”…是一项在母星已无可避免的走向衰亡之后,不得已而实行的移民计划。

5.Louis Vuitton was one of the pioneer international brands to enter China in 1992.路易威登是1992年最早进入中国市场的先锋国际品牌之一。

6.The Pioneer Woman is pke an artifact from a more wholesome era: Ozzie and Harriet on a ranch.先锋女士的网页仿佛一件来自更健康时代的工艺品——牧场上的奥兹和哈里特。

7.BE be a to have no become of the harbinger in 20th century earper period, still new of topic-modernism the pioneer in thousand years?是当一无所成的20世纪早期的先驱者,还是新的千年的主题——现代主义的先驱?

8.So far the pioneer is Italy, where the main utipty, Enel, has deployed more than 30m smart meters to its customers since 2001.迄今为止,意大利是这方面的先行者,那里主要电力公司Enel自2001年以来,已经为其用户安装了三千多万智能电表。

9.As the pioneer, we are also very pleased to see the deepening of the retail bond market in the past two years.作为市场开拓者,按揭证券公司喜见零售债券市场在过往两年不断扩展。

10.The Pioneer 10 probe is now moving far beyond the known Solar system and is still sending back messages.现在正驶离太阳系,而且还不断地送回资料。