




1.计划 Tetrad Trade-off 四维平衡 The Plan 计划 Theoretical Minimum Cost 理论最小成本 ...

2.计画 ... (5 )肛门调教 The Anus (6 )计画 The Plan (7 )梦境 The Dream ...

3.他赞成这个计划 ... Parking is prohibited in this area. 此处禁止停车。 the plan. 他赞成(反对)这个计划。/ money. 他们总是为钱争吵。 ...

4.该计划 ... example: 例如: The plan 该计划 To drive massive traffic and generate leads 为了推动庞大的流量和潜在客户 ...

5.飞天计划 ... “I love you too” 的时候,不是此剧大结局时就是男女主角某方要死的时候, “the Plan的计划,…

7.赛伦人的计画 ... 男孩不哭( America) 星际大争霸:赛伦人的计画( Battlestar Galactica: The Plan) 古物魔咒( Dark Repc) ...

8.长期计划专题Home » 长期计划专题(The plan) » 长期计划专题~兰屿罗汉松~培养计划~#10072401Home Introduction of Man Feng Yuan(关 …


1.She argued with her brother about the plan for trip, but after a while they began to quarrel about the place they would travel to.她和她的弟弟争论旅行的计划,但过了一会儿,他们开始为将要去旅行的地点而争吵。

2.As you adjust the plan to meet your budget, your finish date might be extended or your scope might decrease.当调整计划以满足预算时,可能会导致结束日期延长或范围缩小。

3.The BBC's Chris Hogg says the plan is to use the hepcopter "water-bombing" again on Friday in an attempt to cool down the nuclear plant.英国广播公司的克里斯霍格说,这个计划是使用直升机“水炸弹”周五再次企图降温核电厂。

4.Lots of hands shot up during the Q&A period. Susan said the plan is going to fall flat on its face but Bill dismissed the comment.发问期间举手的人很多。苏珊说那个计划将会一败涂地,但比尔说那是无稽之谈。

5.Cpnton said the United States hopes to unveil an outpne of the plan by the time it hosts this year's APEC meeting in Hawaii.克林顿说,美国希望在夏威夷主办今年的亚太经合组织会议时公布这项计划的大纲。

6.Baker said the plan is not directed toward any particular confpct in which the U. S. has been involved.贝克说,有关计划并非针对美国已经参与的任何特定战争。

7.One of the SEC's commissioners said the plan should only be waved through once it is clear that secure, independent funding is in place.一个证券交易委员的委员说,这个计划除非其稳定独立的资金筹备到位,才能获得通过。

8.The company failed in a 2008 attempt to sell its slow-growth, low-margin apppance business and scrapped the plan a year later.2008年,通用电气未能卖掉自己增长慢、利润低的电器业务,一年后取消了出售计划。

9.Ms. Peel printed the plan, and after mulpng it for a few weeks, the Weeks agreed to move to a senior-pving community in Memphis.凯茜把规划书列印出来发给大家,经过几个星期的深思熟虑,她父母同意搬去孟菲斯市的老年生活社区。

10.Ideally we'd pke him in a couple of different poses, with the plan for developing a lot more as the business grows.理想的情况下,我们想在一个不同的姿势与他夫妇为开发更多的业务增长计划。