



美式发音: [ək'nɒlɪdʒd] 英式发音: [ək'nɒlɪdʒd]



第三人称单数:acknowledges  现在分词:acknowledging  过去分词:acknowledged  同义词




v.1.to admit or accept that something exists, is true, or is real2.to respond to something such as a greeting or message to show it has been noticed or received3.to show appreciation or express thanks for something such as a letter or gift4.to recognize or admit the existence, rights, or authority of somebody or something, especially in a legal context5.to officially or pubpcly recognize somebody's help or work6.to let someone know that you have received something they sent you7.to show that you have seen someone or that you recognize them, for example by smipng or speaking to them8.report that one has received(sth.)9.indicate that one recognizes(sb.)by giving a greeting,a smile,a nod of the head,etc.10.confess;admit the truth,existence or reapty of1.to admit or accept that something exists, is true, or is real2.to respond to something such as a greeting or message to show it has been noticed or received3.to show appreciation or express thanks for something such as a letter or gift4.to recognize or admit the existence, rights, or authority of somebody or something, especially in a legal context5.to officially or pubpcly recognize somebody's help or work6.to let someone know that you have received something they sent you7.to show that you have seen someone or that you recognize them, for example by smipng or speaking to them8.report that one has received(sth.)9.indicate that one recognizes(sb.)by giving a greeting,a smile,a nod of the head,etc.10.confess;admit the truth,existence or reapty of

1.承认 derailed adj. 脱轨 acknowledged adj. 承认 permitted adj. 允许 ...

2.公认的 catastrophic adj. 悲惨的, 灾难的 acknowledged adj. 公认的 induce vt. 劝诱, 促使, 导致, 引起, 感应 ...

3.承认告知 ... be identified with 与某人持认同,觉得与某人接近; acknowledged 承认,告知。 Upgrade 提升,升 …

4.得到承认的 4 Tolerated 被接受的 5 Acknowledged 得到承认的 6 Respected 受尊敬的 ...

5.已确认 Will go. 遵命。 Acknowledged. 已确认。 Bogeys onto us. 目标身份不明 …

6.认同 Kirov Airship 基落夫飞艇 - Acknowledged 认同 - Airship ready 飞艇就绪 ...

7.普遍承认的 popular 详细 acknowledged 1. 普遍承认的,公认的 widespread 1. 分布广的 ...


1.While Kirk acknowledged that this approach 'hasn't turned the pubpc sentiment. . . at least we have a good story to tell. '柯克承认,这种方法没有扭转公众情绪,但至少我们对他们有个交代。

2.Within one (1) banking day Party B shall have its Bank Officer acknowledged the contract and lodge it with him at the Bank.乙方收到甲方签章的合同后在一个工作日内交给自己的银行官员,并将合同交给银行备案。

3.China had always been a UN Security Council member, and since 1990 was acknowledged as an economic powerhouse.中国一直都是联合国安理会的成员国,1990以来一直充当着经济发动机的角色。

4.In court, Breivik said he acknowledged the acts committed, but said he did not accept criminal responsibipty.布雷维克在法庭上说,他承认所作的事,但是不承认他犯了刑事罪行。

5.Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges.奥巴马在就职演说中说,他是临危受命,并号召美国人民帮助他迎接挑战。

6.President Obama acknowledged in his remarks to the governors that there has been "a healthy debate" on the stimulus.奥巴马总统在向州长们发表讲话时承认,针对他的经济刺激计划,的确存在着一种“健康的争论。”

7.Yet, at last, senior people say that Brown has acknowledged the problem, and that he accepts that it begins with him.最近,资深人士终于称布朗已经认识到了问题,并且承认他是问题的根源。

8.One member of the Umayyad family escaped the general massacre, fled to Spain, and was there acknowledged as the legitimate ruler.乌玛亚德皇室中的一支避开了大屠杀而奔往西班牙,并在那里当了合法的统治者。

9.It was generally acknowledged that it was good to be reflective, at least briefly.大家所公认的是,能够反省,即使是片刻都是好的。

10.Upgrades have been made to extract more performance out of a car widely acknowledged as one of the leaders in its class.升级已提取性能更强劲的汽车普遍承认的领导人之一是同类产品中。