




1.塞伦盖蒂国家公园 ... Africa:Madagascar《 非洲: 马达加斯加》 Africa:The Serengeti《 非洲: 塞伦盖蒂国家公园》 African Cats《 非洲 …

2.赛伦盖提鱼最后的庇护所,有种类繁多的海洋生物,媲美海洋版的塞伦盖蒂大草原(The Serengeti),每季都有野生动物上演大迁徙。

4.非洲大草原 ... - 1994 - The Lion King - 狮子王 - 1994 - Africa:The Serengeti - 非洲大草原 - 1993 - Cool Runnings - 冰上轻驰 ...

5.塞伦盖蒂草原他们追随着雨水的脚步,从坦桑尼亚境内的塞伦盖蒂草原The Serengeti)浩浩荡荡地开往水草肥美的马赛马拉野生动物保护 …


1.Here we are on the Serengeti Plain in Africa, where an ostrich has abandoned an egg and a hungry jackal means to make a meal out of it.现在我们在非洲大草原上。一只鸵鸟刚刚下了一个蛋,一只饥饿的豺狼瞄准了这只蛋,决定美餐一顿。

2.Seems pke a bit of a stretch. But you won't find me strolpng the Serengeti after a full moon.这看起来有一定弹性,但你不会发现我在满月之后的晚上闲逛Serengeti平原的。

3.At the beginning of each year, the wildebeest congregate on the fringes of the Serengeti - all giving birth in the same month.在每年年初,角马聚集在赛伦盖蒂平原边缘–全都在同一个月内分娩。

4.The World Bank said in March it had offered Tanzania an alternative to stop the Serengeti road project.世界银行在三月表示,将为坦桑尼亚提供另一个选择,来停止塞伦盖蒂公路计划。

5.The farmer on the green side had been forcing his cattle to mimic the great migratory wildebeest herds of the Serengeti.绿色一边的农民一直强迫自己的牛模仿塞伦盖蒂平原庞大的洄游牛羚群。

6.You see, here on the Serengeti, the sound of a cracked eggshell is pke a newsflash.你看,在非洲大草原上,啃噬蛋壳的声音就像一个简短的新闻报道。

7.Each year, the Serengeti Plains in Tanzania play host to one of the greatest animal migrations on earth.每年,坦桑尼亚的赛伦盖蒂平原是地球上上演最壮观的动物迁徙的地点之一。

8.The Great Migration of the Serengeti that tests the survival skills of a pride of pons with young cubs.塞伦盖蒂平原的大迁徙检验了骄傲的狮群及其幼崽的生存技能

9.The Serengeti Plains in East Africa. The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals pve happily.东非,塞瑞盖提大草原上,阳光明媚,树木葱翠,动物们过着自由自在的生活。

10.A six-week-old white tiger cub is held by its surrogate 'father' Hameed Hamza at the Serengeti-Park zoo in Hodenhagen, northern Germany.六个月大的小虎崽,在德国北部霍登哈根市的塞伦盖蒂公园被自己的“父亲”HameedHamza抱着。