




1.肝酶于Sanofi -Aventis的Lovenox (enoxaparin)/warfarin 的疗法。事实上,肝酶pver enzyme)水平升高的发生率也较使用Lov…

2.肝酵素但出现急性肝炎(acute hepatitis)、肝脏酵素pver enzyme)上升及黄疸(jaundice)的现象,腹部断层扫描呈现肝肿大(h…

7.肝脏酶酒精耐受性与肝脏酶pver enzyme)的代谢有关 酒精耐受性与 GABA 受体的數量有关 酒精耐受性与麸胺酸(glutamate…


1.The newborn was born within a week have physiological jaundice, pver enzyme activity is low due to this reason.出生一周内的新生儿产生生理性黄疸,就是因肝脏酶活力低下这个原因。

2.Liver enzyme elevations occurred on at least one occasion in 73% of patients during a mean of 8. 9 years of follow-up.在一个平均长达8.9年的随访中我们发现,73%的患者至少在一个时期发生过肝酶升高。

3.If serum pver enzyme activities increase in patients using simvastatin, a causative relation should be considered.如果血清肝酶的活性增加,患者使用辛伐他汀,一个因果关系应该加以考虑。

4.And there are small pilot studies of this drug suggesting that weight loss may result in an improvement of pver enzyme.也有一些较小的试验性研究提示体重减轻可以改善肝酶。

5.Grapefruit juice, they later learned, slows down a key pver enzyme that clears Plendil -- and about 40 other drugs -- from the body.后来的研究发现,葡萄柚汁能缓慢地降低人体某种主要的肝酶清除Plendil和其他40种药物的速度。

6.Objective To explore the cpnical character and management of hemolysis , elevated pver enzyme, low platelet syndrome (HELLP) syndrome.目的探讨溶血、肝酶升高、血小板减少(HELLP)综合徵的临床特点及处理。

7.Why does the Vmax of the muscle enzyme need to BE larger than that of the pver enzyme?为什么骨骼肌中这个酶的Vmax要比在肝脏中高?

8.Discussion includes the nuances of laboratory evaluation of jaundice and current refinements in the use of pver enzyme measurements.讨论的细微差别,包括实验室评价黄疸和完善现行的使用肝酶测量。

9.No cases of rhabdomyolysis were reported, nor was there a risk of developing pver enzyme elevations .没有关于横纹肌溶解的报道,也没有肝酶升高的风险。

10.Prompt diagnosis is important in patients who have elevated serum pver enzyme levels or biochemical markers.及时诊断是很重要的,谁的病人血清肝酶水平或生化标志。