




1.鬼怨 Saki 萨基 The Sisters 姐妹 James Joyce 詹姆斯·乔伊斯 ...

3.姐妹俩 姊妹曲 Joyce and Dep 姐妹同心 The sisters 夜夜盼郎归 Tonight and every night ...

5.都是一家人 自画像 Portrait of the Artist 俩姐妹 The Sisters 妇人肖像 Portrait of Matilde Vapet ...

7.姐妹们 Food 食物 The Sisters姐妹们》 An Encounter《 偶遇》 ...


1.and the attachment of the sisters was exactly what Darcy had hoped to see. They were able to love each other even as well as they intended.姑嫂之间正如达西先生所料到的那么情投意合,互尊互爱,甚至融洽得完全合乎她们自己的理想。

2.So the sisters talked the matter over. "Let's give him our sister's eyes, which are of no use to us. "姐妹二人商量了一下,说:“那就把小妹的那对眼珠给他吧,我们留着它们有什么用?”

3.The sisters' impulse was to offer him half the company, but Larry said "he would be uncomfortable taking that much of it. "姐妹俩本打算让出公司的一半,但Larry说那么多“让他有点不好意思。”

4.The sisters considered him, united in disapproval, both holding on to one of the swing poles, as though it was the safe place in tag.姐妹俩以同样不满的目光审视着他,两人都抓着一根秋千柱子,好像那是捉人游戏中的安全地带。

5.All the sisters were at home and, being a couple of weeks before I was to get married, it was more 'girly' than ever.我婚礼前的几个星期,姐妹们都会呆在家里——布伦南家从未像现在这样女孩子气。

6.In consequence of an agreement between the sisters, Epzabeth wrote the next morning to her mother.姐妹俩商量妥当以后,次日早由伊丽莎白执笔写信给她的母亲。

7.The sisters told one another how much they missed the dog and how terrible they felt.这对姐妹告诉彼此他们多么思念那只狗,他们感觉多么悲伤。

8.The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off. . . sometimes not.三姐妹坚持纠缠着他,有时他能尽力摆脱,有时则不能。

9.He stared at her grimly; he had never been certain how fond of each other the sisters were in pfe.他冷冷地注视着她,他始终不清楚原先姐妹之间的感情究竟有多深。

10.The sun guardian said, "Ok, but I need you to come and see me on rainy days. I need friends. " The sisters said, "All right. "太阳守护神说:“好吧,不过我需要你们在雨天来看我。我需要朋友。”两姐妹说:“好的。”