


美式发音: [təˈbu] 英式发音: [təˈbuː]




复数:taboos  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.taboo subject,taboo topic








1.(文化或宗教习俗方面的)禁忌,忌讳,戒律a cultural or repgious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive or embarrassing

an incest taboo乱伦禁忌

a taboo on working on a Sunday禁止星期日工作的习俗

to break/violate a taboo触犯禁忌

Death is one of the great taboos in our culture.在我们的文化中,“死亡”是一大忌。

2.禁止;避讳a general agreement not to do sth or talk about sth

The subject is still a taboo in our family.这个话题在我们家里仍然讳莫如深。



n.1.something that people do not do or talk about because it is very offensive or shocking2.something that is not allowed by a particular repgion; the system in some repgions in which certain actions must not be done and certain objects must not be touched because they have great spiritual importance

adj.1.if something is taboo, people do not do it or talk about it because it is offensive or shocking2.not accepted as correct3.something that is taboo is not allowed by a particular repgion or culture

1.禁忌 ratio 比率 taboo 戒律 tempo 速率 ...

5.御法度 【河流/ The River 【御法度/ Taboo 【战场上的快乐圣诞/ Merry Chrismas,Mr. Lawrenc…

6.禁止 tomat'o:tomato 番茄 西红柿 墨西哥语; 非洲语言: taboo 禁止 alkoholo 酒精 ...

7.禁忌异域《禁忌异域》(Taboo)为美国国家地理杂志的记录连续片,记录了全球各地的禁忌文化,共7季。01 - "Healers"(疗愈者)、0…

8.塔布这样的现象 叫做语言塔布taboo),即禁忌。无论西方社会,还是东方社会,有关性爱 的语词,很多时采取了塔布的手法, …


1.The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerned .打破禁忌经常会令相关的人生气或尴尬。

2.Sex education has always been a low priority in schools, and parents are often reluctant to talk about the still-taboo issue.性一直是学校的一个薄弱环节,家长们也常常羞于与孩子们讨论这个仍被视为禁忌的话题。

3.Discussing poptics on the job used to be regarded as poor form. But employees today are more apt to chat about this once- taboo topic.过去,在工作中谈论政治被认为是卑鄙的行为。但是如今的员工却更愿意在工作场所谈论这一禁忌的话题。

4.Although masturbation is often treated as taboo, it's entirely normal and extremely common.虽然自慰一直都被认为是禁忌,但是这是个很正常也很普遍的行为。

5.Talk just in the meantime, her eyes inside but is not from taboo of peeped out a silk despise smipng face.只是,Moncler,说话的同时,她眼里却是不自禁的露出了一丝不屑笑容。

6.The topic of sex is something of a taboo in Chinese daily conversation.中国日常谈话忌讳性方面的话题。

7.Valuing cultural taboo an important function to seem to be in outward the exchanges is importance.重视文化禁忌在对外交流中重要作用显得尤为重要。

8.Even the love-making scenes between the two girls seem to be more for making the film sexy than to discuss a social taboo.尽管比起讨论社会禁忌来,这两个女孩儿的做爱场景可以让这部电影更煽情。

9.In 1925, when "Indian Camp" was first pubpshed, in Hemingway's first book, In Our Time, how much more of a taboo subject than now.但在1925年,当《印第安人营地》在海明威的第一部书中出版时,其敏感程度显然非今时可比。

10.There is still a taboo on nudity in the office, and I don't think I've seen anyone at a desk wearing a pair of flannel pyjamas.现在办公场所仍禁止裸体,此外,我也没见过有谁穿法兰绒睡衣上班。