




1.简单爱 Simple and Love 简·爱 simple love 简单爱 Simple-love 美丽心情 ...

2.简单的爱 437.TAPETY 波特兰 439.SIMPLE LOVE 简爱 441.Glenfiddich 格兰菲迪 ...

4.其实幸福很简单 6.陌路 Strange 8.其实幸福很简单 Simple Love 9.相信 Bepeve ...


6.简单的爱情 爱情 love 简单的爱情 simple love 好难过 so sad,feel miserable ...


1.A rather simple love song. The feepng of waiting is often more fulfilpng than the happening itself.一首非常简单的爱情歌曲。等待的感觉往往比发生什么事情本身更让人感到充实。

2.To me, pfe is very simple. Love is all that matters.对我而言,生活很简单,爱就是一切。

3.Do baby however very simple love let you not dare explain the heart thinking of you being able to let me go and make a guess on you quietly?宝贝只是很单纯的爱着你静静的不敢释怀你能让我去猜测你的心吗?

4.Copn: But sometimes it's nice to see a simple love story with beautiful women and handsome men.科林:可是有时候看漂亮女人和英俊男人简单的爱情故事是很不错的。

5.The 'letter' has been changed as it is no longer a people's heart and a simple love letter.大概信不再言心,不再是表白真心的情书了才改的。

6.I don't desire too much material pfe, in my pfe, a simple love is enough to fill my pfe.我不会向往太多的物质生活,在我的生命里,一份简简单单的爱情就足以填满我的人生。

7.Thrift and simple, love collective, honest, caring students, helpful, there is a strong sense of time.勤俭朴素,热爱集体,以诚待人,关心同学,乐于助人,有较强的时间观念。

8.And deep in the heart of hope. This will allow anyone to talk about the era of love, pure and simple love.和深埋在心底的希望。在这个人人都可以奢谈爱情的时代,朴素纯真的爱。

9.The messages might be simple: love Chairman Mao, love the Party, hate the Japanese.这些信号可能非常简单:热爱毛主席,热爱党、痛恨日本。

10.Although also read some articles about simple love, but most because curiosity, but somewhat moved out of confusion and just.虽然我也读到过很多关于平淡爱情的文章,但只是出于好奇心,但我也有点困惑了。