




1.能量的来源 Vision 视觉 The source of Energy 能量的来源 Statistics 统计学 ...

2.能源的起源 War and Peace( 战争与和平) The source of Energy( 能源的起源) Universe( 宇宙) ...

3.能量之源 ... Statistics 数据-新东方英语现代文背诵第43篇 The source of Energy 能量之源-新东方英语现代文背诵第45 …

4.英语小短文 ... 英语小短文 Types of Speech 英语小短文 The source of Energy 最新英语演讲小短文 My Dream…


1.The sun is the source of energy for everything on planet earth, all pfe, all weather, and all activity that we know.太阳是地球上万物的能量之源,包括我们知道的所有生命、所有天气和所有的活动。

2.We deeply understood that the aim was the source of energy and strict discippne was the rule of behaviour.深刻懂得了目标是团队的动力之源,严明的纪律是团队行为的准则。

3.These names come from the fact that the source of energy is the nucleus, or core, of the atom.这个名称来自于原子能来源于核、或者原子核这样的事实。

4.Without the source of energy, the formation of EMCs would not be possible.没有能量源,英语中动结构就无法生成。

5.The almighty sun is generous and the source of energy and the symbol ot truth and knowledge. No wonder an many people sing in praise of her.万能的大阳,慷慨大方,是能量的源泉,真理和知识的象征,难怪人们要赞颂她。

6.Where the source of energy in a mechanical watch is the spring , in a quartz watch it is a miniature battery which lasts for several years .在机械表中,动力来自弹簧,而石英表中,动力来自小电池,可以用上几年。

7.Chemotrophism A type of nutrition in which the source of energy for the synthesis of organic requirements is chemical.生物体所需物质合成的能量来源是化学物质的一种营养方式。

8.The source of energy for heating and power depends on overall community use.供热和电能的来源取决于社区的总能耗。

9.Food is essential for pfe as it is the source of energy and nutrients.食物是热量和营养素的来源,是维持生命不可或缺的要素。

10.It is clear that the source of energy has become one of the major problems our country is facing today.显然,在能源已成为我国当前面临的主要问题之一。