




1.星条旗永不落 ... TEARS IN HEAVEN- 泪洒天堂 The Star Spangled Banner (美国国歌) Eyes On Me 王菲 ...

4.灿烂的星条旗 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER 灿烂的星条旗 And the home of the brave? 步骤二 ...

5.美国国歌歌词曲和轻歌剧、歌曲等,对美国铜管乐的发展起到了重大的推进作用,被誉为“进行曲之王”。 现附上美国国歌歌词(The Star Spa

6.星条旗歌 God Save the Queen 天佑女皇(英国国歌) The Star Spangled Banner 星条旗歌(美 …

7.星国歌 ... 全场清货价 在集市上最大 wings max at the fair 全场清货价 星国歌 the star spangled banner ...


1.At sunrise, seeing the American flag still flying over the fort, Key was inspired to write the poem known as "The Star-Spangled Banner" .天亮时,当凯伊看到美国国旗仍飘扬在城堡上空的时候,突然灵感勃发,写下了一首题为《星光闪耀的旗帜》的诗作。

2.The national flag of the United States is known as the Star-Spangled Banner.美国的国旗是星条旗。

3.When all the repairs were complete, the Star-Spangled Banner was moved to its new home.当所有的修复工作结束时,星条旗被运送到了它的新家。

4.The Star Spangled Banner officially becomes the national anthem of the United States.《星条旗之歌》正式成为美国国歌。

5.An act of Congress declared "The Star Spangled Banner" the national anthem of the United States.美国国会的一项法案宣布《星条旗之歌》为美国国歌。

6.The Star-spangled Banner was floating above the base of the U. S. Air force in Okinawa.那个星光闪闪的旗帜那时正飘扬在美国冲绳空军基地的上空;

7.The star-spangled banner I Oh, can you see, by the dawn, we to what, cheers sound?星条旗永不落I哦,你可看见,透过一线曙光,我们对着什麽,发出欢呼的声浪?

8.Should we stop singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" for fear of insulting the British?难道我们应该停止唱“星条旗之歌”因为害怕冒犯英国?

9.Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror.一些摩的司机骄傲的悬挂美国的星条旗飞驰着,代替了乌干达国旗装饰在后视镜上。

10.Allen is the latest "Idol" winner to sing the "Star Spangled Banner" at the league's championship series.阿伦并不是第一个在NBA总冠军系列赛上演唱美国国歌的“美国偶像”冠军。