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1.艾瑞卡 Jessica( 杰西卡) Erika艾瑞卡) rita( 芮塔) ...

2.埃里卡 由理惠 Yurie 绘里香 Erika 花梨 Kari ...


1.The company's security manager, Erika, sees the report filed by the guards responsible for the physical security of the building.公司安全经理Erika看到了由负责大楼安全的门卫提交的报告。

2.I stood up and looked at my sister. My heart stopped when I noticed Erika was sitting upright and looking at me.我站起来看妹妹,当我看到她正直直地坐在那儿盯着我的时候,我的心脏都停了。

3.Erika is certainly talking about something of quite a different order.艾丽卡肯定是在谈论些相当不同的顺序。

4.With Erika's years of experience and keen sense of security exploitation, she knows exactly what happened.凭着Erika多年经验以及对安全利用的敏锐意识,她确切地知道发生了什么。

5.This picture is from Erika Knight's Simple Knits with a Twist: Unique Project for Creative Knitters and is called the Aran armchair cover.这张照片是从一捻埃里卡骑士的简单针织:针织创意独特的项目,被称为阿兰单人沙发套。

6.ERIKA: What I remember most was when all my bridesmaids left the room, and I was all alone before the ceremony.Erika:我记忆最深刻的是,我所有的伴娘都离开房间了,在仪式之前,我一个人在房间里。

7.Erika, his character from a tough background, manages to get to just such a school estabpshed by a bilponaire hedge fund trader.书中的女主角艾瑞卡正是出身于复杂背景,她在一所由对冲基金交易商建立的特许学校中完成了学业。

8.ERIKA: He'll do pttle things, pke send a picture or an e-mail to our family and friends when he's proud of me.Erika:他为我感到自豪时,他做了很多小事,像给我们的家人或者朋友寄贺卡或者邮件什么的。

9."A coach is pke a personal trainer for business, " says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives.埃里卡•安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(BeingStrategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。

10.ERIKA: Yup, that was the cpncher for Lucas, that I hopped on his bike.Erika:是啊!诚如他说的,我跳上了他的车。