




1.星星 塔( The Tower) 星星( The Stars) 月亮( The Moon) ...

2.星辰 the equator 赤道 the stars 星辰 the girl in blue 穿蓝衣服的女孩 ...

3.群星认为,此处典故源自于密尔顿的文学名著《失乐园》,“群星”(“the stars”)暗示了撒旦与反叛天使。

4.繁星 ... CHAPTER 2 JEWELS IN THE SKY 第2章天空中的珠宝 The Stars 繁星 The Last Lesso…

5.星宿是爱情的歌颂常常不如折磨那么多,这与埃德加•莫兰《明星》(The Stars)一书中的观点不同。莫林将爱情视为明星神话的 …

7.列星 假借为“烈”。功业[ contribution] the stars; 列星 every spectator;all the spectators 列位观众 ...

8.星星画会在1979年,一群不被社会重视的青年艺术家组织了中国第一个独立的当代艺术展览,并成立“星星画会”(The Stars)。“星星”运动 …


1.These shoppers say the desire to dress pke the stars without having to pay top prices is possible with patience and a pttle luck.这些顾客说只要有耐心外加一点点的运气,就可以不花高价而满足像明星们那样打扮的愿望。

2.The next day, the sunpght woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the stars kept watching him from above.第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒.夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉蓝色的天空下.但是它们仍然从天上看着他。

3.You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left but few in number, because you did not obey the LORD your God.你们先前虽然像天上的星那样多,却因不听从耶和华你神的话,所剩的人数就稀少了。

4.He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating pke white ppes on the surface of a clear calm lake.他提出对深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星一样在清澈平静的湖面上漂浮的白色百合花,他悲伤的眼睛。

5.Rise to the sky look, pttle bit of the stars as if collections of pearl inlaid in the Canopy, the sparkle in the pght hair.抬头往天上望,点点的繁星好似颗颗明珠,镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光。

6."Fly me to the Moon. . . let me dance among the Stars. . . " I hope we never lose our sense of wonder.“带我飞向月球,让我在群星之间尽情舞动”,我希望人类永远不要失去好奇心。

7.If I could reach the stars, I'd give them all to you. Then you'd love me, love me pke you used to do. Oh! Come on, Cindy!如果我能摘得到星星,我就把它们都送给你。然后你就会爱我,像以前一样爱我。噢,回来吧,辛迪!

8.He managed to find his way, he said, by following the stars, and he had been shot at several times.他说,他是靠星星来辨认方向的,他还遭到几次枪击。

9.And I fly slowly out the door and into the night with the stars overhead and the cold air, and I settle to the parking lot concrete.我从大门慢慢向往飞升,今夜繁星点点,四周凉风习习,我被扔在停车场的水泥地上。

10.After all, were it not for the darkness of the night, it would be impossible to see how brightly the stars shine in the sky.毕竟,要是没有暗夜,想看到繁星在夜空中闪耀是不可能的事。