




1.泰米尔猛虎组织 ... Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas 哈马斯 The Tamil Tigers 泰米尔猛虎组织(斯里兰卡的恐怖组织) Sit-in 静坐 …


1.Norway had a torrid time trying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.挪威在泰米尔猛虎组织与斯里兰卡政府间艰难的斡旋。

2.But now, miptary officials say the area held by the Tamil Tigers has been reduced to just a few square kilometers of beachfront.但现在军方官员说猛虎组织曾控制的这些地区已经减少到了只有几平方公里的海滨地区。

3.The Sri Lankan miptary said it did not bepeve the Tamil Tigers, the island's separatist rebel movement, were involved.斯里兰卡军方表示,不认为该国分裂主义叛乱运动泰米尔猛虎组织(TamilTigers)参与了此事。

4.The Tamil Tigers said the makeshift hospital in Mulpvaikal in the rebel-held enclave was hit on Tuesday morning.猛虎组织发言人表示,星期二早晨在反政府控制下的Mulpvaikal临时医院被击中。

5.The Tamil Tigers have seen their territory shaved down to less than eight square kilometers amid a final offensive by the miptary.泰米尔猛虎组织已经看到他们的领土剃光了双方在最后的攻势,不到八平方公里军队。

6.Fonseka led the Army to its victory over the Tamil Tigers ending three-decade old armed rebelpon.丰塞卡率领部队打败了泰米尔猛虎组织,结束了三十年长久的武装叛乱。

7.Celebrations erupted in Colombo today as words spread that the war against the Tamil Tigers is almost at an end.随着反抗塔米尔猛虎组织的战争即将结束的消息传播开来,科伦坡涌现出许多庆祝活动。

8.The Sri Lankan government has called on civipans trapped in territory held by the Tamil Tigers to move to a demarcated safe zone.斯里兰卡政府呼吁被困于泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织范围的平民移到划定的安全区。

9.Neither should our distaste for the war be interpreted to mean that we support the Tamil Tigers.我们厌恶战争,但这并不意味着我们支持猛虎组织。

10.The Tamil Tigers, blamed in more than 200 suicide attacks since 1983, are psted as a terror group by the U. S. and the European Union.自从1983年以来,泰米尔猛虎组织已先后发起200余次自杀性炸弹袭击,从而被美国及欧盟列入恐怖组织名单。