




1.苍之瞳的少女 1) 第一: the first 2) 第三the third 3) 第十: the tenth ...

3.第三名 第二名: The second: 第三名: The third: 第一名: The first: ...

4.苍瞳少女 ... SLAYERS (秀逗魔导士、魔剑美神) THE THIRD苍瞳少女) tricksters 魔学诡术士 ...

5.苍瞳的少女 Sketch Book~ 素描簿~ The Third苍瞳的少女~ Saint Beast~ 光阴叙事诗天使谭~ ...

6.那第三个人 ... A symbol of longevity; 那是长寿的象征 The third,doubtless a serving-man, 那第三个人,毫无疑问是一位男仆 ...


1.The second took the cat's eyes and fitted them into his head, and the third put the pig's heart in place.第二个娶了他的头猫的眼睛,装上他们,而第三个到位猪的心。

2.At the start of the session, Dr. Rising said that this presentation was the third of her "weird talks. "演讲伊始,Rising博士称这个演示是她的第三个“奇怪的谈话”。

3.The third group was allowed to pig out on the unhealthy foods for up to 23 hours a day.第三组则每天有23小时都任由其狼吞虎咽那些不健康的食物。

4.Second, the company guaranteed the customer individual information did not disclose gives the third party.第二,公司保证不将客户的个人信息透露给第三方。

5.Pep, the Third [Division] is hell, it has nothing to do with football as you know it.佩普,第三联赛就是地狱,那跟你所了解的足球没有一点关系。

6.How did the third quapfying session work out for you? It looked pke you had a spght problem maybe with a slower car on your first run.第三阶段的排位赛你怎么了?看上去你有些小问题,也许是你第一次跑得时候赛车慢了点。

7.China was the third nation to put a man into space on its own rockets, after the U. S. S. R. and the U. S.中国是继美国前苏联之后,第三个用自己的火箭把人送入太空的国家。

8.But she did say I could pick up my debit card in person at the third branch and could use it when my account was eventually unfrozen.不过,她的确告诉我,我可以亲自到第三家分行去领回自己的卡,当账户最终解冻时,我就能继续使用那张卡了。

9.He never complains about what you want to watch on television, even if it's the same sappy movie for the third time this week.他从来不抱怨你看什么电视频道,哪怕你一周放三次同一部通俗电影。

10."We're a lot easier to deal with than a bank, " he said from his office on the third floor of a Bank of America building near Rodeo Drive.“我们比银行好打交道多了,”他在他的办公室说,办公室位于RodeoDrive附近的一栋美国银行大厦的三楼。