




1.欧洲合众国不十分认同美国的United.整合的欧洲并没有叫做欧罗巴合众国The United States of Europe), 而是称为欧盟 (The Europ…

3.有个欧洲合众国 1776年,美国独立战争爆发,当时就有欧洲人设想欧洲仿效美利坚合众国The united states of Europe),建立欧洲合众国…


1.Life is still far from easy in the peripheral states of the United States of Europe (as the euro zone is now known).在欧罗巴合众国(UnitedStatesofEurope,欧元区现在的名称)的外围国家,生活还是不容易。

2.Somehow, just a century after his grandfather's deposition, the Habsburg Empire had reconstituted itself as the United States of Europe.就在他的祖父被废黜一百年后,哈布斯堡帝国居然改头换面成为欧罗巴合众国了。

3.The United States of Europe may have been too much to hope for.欧洲合众国或许是一个太过奢侈的愿景。

4.It is no surprise that Joschka Fischer, the Greens' elder statesman, should call for the "United States of Europe" .所以绿党资深政治家约施卡·费舍尔竟会呼吁建立“欧罗巴合众国”,这毫不奇怪。

5.The economic union or the United States of Europe is moving towards increasing power as a world force.欧洲经济联合体或联盟(欧共体)正在提升权力向世界一极移动。

6.It advocates estabpshing the "United States of Europe" which is similar to the United States federation to achieve European unity.它主张通过建立类似美国式的联邦制“欧洲合众国”来实现欧洲统一。

7.It amounts to a blueprint for the United States of Europe. And it is utterly beyond reach.这相当于在绘制欧洲合众国的蓝图,但这是绝对不可能实现的。

8.Is EU to Be the United States of Europe?欧盟会成为欧洲合众国吗?

9.LKS; Sociapst Movement for the United States of Europe;社会主义欧洲合众国运动;