




1.猫 ... Passage 6 The Manatees( 海牛) Passage 9 The Cats猫的传说) Passage 10 The Star in the Apple( 苹果 …

3.猫剧e、台语、老歌、古典和歌剧,周四晚上因为帮表妹找 猫剧 (The Cats) 中的音乐而开始了一系列的 Sarah Brightman。

4.猫猫 杂拍( Stop and Think) 猫猫The Cats) 美食( Wonderful Food) ...



1."We do not bepeve any of the cats that go in there survive, " she said.“我们不相信任何一个猫进,在有生存,”她说。

2.A volunteer heard about this and tried to rescue the cats there. Hak-jei was one of them.有位义工得知这事,便安排了救猫行动,小黑便是其中一头。

3."But their fur color makes no difference to how much love they have to give, " she added. "The cats are ready to make wonderful pets. "她说:“但它们皮毛的颜色和它们给予人们的爱的多少没有关系。它们可以成为很好的宠物。”

4.Did St. Francis really preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really pked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats.圣方济是不是真的向小鸟讲道?所为何来?如果他真的喜欢小鸟,他应该已向猫讲过道?

5.I would not be surprised if a number of the cats that ended up in the restaurants were once beloved family pets that were kidnapped.如果你告诉我餐厅里的猫肉不少是绑架二来的别人的宠物,我一点都不惊讶。

6.Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the night the cats were away.之后瘦削的尼斯注意到自从猫儿消失那晚开始没人见过老农民和他的妻子了。

7.I carried the cats ashore on the raft, but as for the dog he swam ashore himself, and was a trusty servant to me for many years.我抱着猫在木筏上岸,但他的狗自己游上岸,并且是值得信赖的仆人多年给我。

8.She said no one at Ambue Ari, which sprawls over 1, 991 acres of forest, had been killed by the cats since the refuge was created in 2002.她说,自阿布•阿里避护所2002年建所以来,在其1991英亩林地的保护范围内,还没有发生一起猫科动物伤人致死的事件。

9.Even if some of the cats also then, it did not even frightening, to spend money acquiring point of cats pke to eat food, what ah?即使有个别的猫还那么痴心不改,那也没甚可怕,花点钱置办点猫喜欢吃的荤腥类食物,还有什么搞不定啊?

10.We don't know how the dogs felt upon learning that the cats had been invited, or how the cats reacted to the presence of the mice.我们不知道狗在得知猫也被邀请时有何感想,也不知道猫对于老鼠也在场作何反应。