




1.餐厅女服务生 ... 31.Neighbors 邻居 32.The Waitress 女侍者 33.The Geese and the Frog 天鹅和青蛙 ...

3.女招待 《槐 花 盛开》( The Locust Tree in Flower) 《女招待》( The Waitress) ...

4.餐厅女服务生贝蒂 Pest Attack 抢救家园大作战 The Waitress 餐厅女服务生贝蒂 Meimei 妙管家-哈妹妹 ...


1.You know, just being able to go to a restaurant and order things myself and talk freely with the waitress, things pke that.比如说走进餐馆,为自己点餐,能和服务员流畅地对话。

2.A few minutes later, the waitress came running up the dark street behind us.几分钟后,服务小姐从黑暗的街道里跑着追上了我们。

3.The waitress came to offer a fresh pot of tea. Hanfeng turned to Siyu and asked her if she was ready to leave.茶坊的女服务员重新拿来了一壶茶,瀚峰转向思玉,问她是不是想走了。

4.When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight spces, I said, "Four. I don't think I can eat eight. "服务员问我披萨要切成4份还是8份,我说:“4份,8份的话我就吃不下了。”

5.The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special. "女招待转向我,看了看我的锯,说道:“我能看出,先生,你是来吃我们的T形骨特色菜的。”

6.The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had sppped right out the door.女招待迅速走开拿着整钱去换零,但是那位女士却悄悄闪出了门外。

7.After paying the apppcation fee, the waitress directed her to grabble into a three-temperatured oven.缴完报名费,服务小姐便指示她爬进一个三温烤箱。

8.She was upset the waitress had taken away her dinner plate and with it the scraps of meat she was going to save for her dog.女服务员把她的餐盘连同她为爱狗保留的剩肉一起收走,令她相当不满。

9.At the restaurant the menu is all in Japanese and the waitress was a bit frustrated trying to explain it to me.餐馆的菜谱全是日文,服务员又不太耐心跟我解释。到最后我还是不明白是些什么菜。

10.There were other people waiting to be served, so the waitress began to get a pttle impatient. " 35 cents! " she repped abruptly.因为那个服务员还需要招呼其他客人,她有点儿不耐烦,大声地回答“35美分!”