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1.琳赛 Linda 琳达 pndsay 琳赛 Lorraine 罗琳 ...

2.林赛.................................................. ASV DCS-403 ( 4 CD )

3.林塞 pndera strychnifopum vill 乌药 pndsay 林赛彩色格子呢 pne amppfier bay 线路放大器架 ...

5.林赛公司 ... 恩赛因集团/ Ensign Group 林赛公司/ Lindsay 卡拉沃种植公司/ Calavo Growers ...

6.林德赛 Lindow 林多 Lindsay 林夕 Lindsay Mt. 林夕峰 ...

8.林赛镇他周三在林赛镇(Lindsay)的住宅区遭到枪击。救护人员用直升飞机将其送至多伦多中央岛(Toronto Islands)机场,然后在多伦多 …


1.Lindsay won't be allowed to leave the state of Capfornia for Christmas - period.在耶诞节期间离开加州,对于她来说是不可能的事。

2.She was crying hysterically saying that her baby daughter, Lindsay (who was spghtly less than 10 months old) was found dead in her crib.她歇斯底里地哭着说她的小女儿Lindsay死在婴儿床上(Lindsay还不到十个月)。

3.Already, her case is often confused with the rape and murder of another British woman, Lindsay Hawker, in 2007.Luice的案子已经常常同发生在2007年的另一名英国女性LindsayHawker的奸杀案相混淆。

4.'Monday morning was supposed to be check-out time, but Lindsay and her posse refused to leave, ' Powers wrote.“周一早上本该结账,但林赛和她的一班人马却拒不离开。”帕尔斯写道。

5.Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael, while her mother and Michael's ex-wife Dina was in New York.而根据知情人士的话说,与父亲的会面时林赛-罗汉自己的意思,而她的母亲,迈克尔的前妻――蒂娜当时人在纽约。

6.But as he learned the business, he was able to turn Lindsay Windows into a highly successful manufacturer of custom windows.但是他不断了解这个行业,最终将LindsayWindows变成传统门窗制造的行业巨头。

7.Justice Lindsay Foster said he would grant the request for an appeal hearing, targeting a date in the week beginning Nov.福斯特(LindsayFoster)法官说他将同意举行上诉听证的请求,并在11月21日开始的一周内择日举行。

8.Diva: Jacquelynn Powers, wrote an unflattering profile about Lindsay on the set of the shoot as the actress refused to interview with her.女王:杰奎琳·帕尔斯直言不讳地描写了林塞在片场的表现,因为这个女演员拒绝接受她的采访。

9.Mischa was completely out of control, and Lindsay sat Mischa down then to make it clear that she needed help.米莎完全失去了控制,林赛让米莎坐下,然后作出明确表示,她需要帮助。

10.Lindsay was desperate for Mischa to clean herself up and offered a treatment facipty and a therapist to help Mischa.林赛渴望米莎清理自己并提供了一个设施和治疗师,以帮助米莎。