




1.白女巫 Aslan 阿斯兰 The White Witch 白发发巫 Edmund 埃得蒙德 ...

3.白巫婆ucy) 其中三弟 Edmund 在一次偶然下遇上白巫婆 (the white witch), 在白巫婆的引诱下承诺会将自己的兄弟姊妹带到冰雪世界, …

4.雪白美丽的女巫lan)、羊人图姆纳斯先生(Mr.Tumnus),雪白美丽的女巫(the White Witch),儿童主人公———爱德蒙(Edmund)


1.It wasn't a very good excuse, however, for deep down inside him he really knew that the White Witch was bad and cruel.不过这个借口并不高明,因为在他内心深处,他也真正知道白妖婆又凶狠又残酷。

2.Players can Pevensies and her alpes, as well as the White Witch and her accomppce between choosing one.玩家可在Pevensies和她的盟友,以及白巫和她的帮凶间选择其一。

3.But since he found the white witch is bad after the heroic battle in the latter two are also not on when the White Witch.但自从他发现白女巫是坏人后,就英勇战斗,在后两部中也没有上白女巫的当。

4.Oh no, " said Edmund. " They were Narnian before our time - in the days of the White Witch.哦,不是,“爱德蒙说,”在我们执政时代之前就是纳尼亚的了——那还是白女巫的时代呢。

5.Although in the first, he deceived Peter and Susan, has caused Lucy ridiculed, but also mistaken the White Witch as good.虽然在第一部中,他欺骗了彼得和苏珊,害得露西被嘲笑,还误把白女巫当好人。

6.The White Witch? Who is she?白女巫?她是什么人?