




1.二奶村之杀夫  1996年: 二奶村之杀夫The Woman Behind) 饰 桂生  1999年:渡假屋偷窥事件 (Snooper) 饰 孟龙   2004年:小男当家 (…


1.The only responsible thing to do, I decided, was to ask the woman behind the counter to come over for a look.我认定唯一负责的行为就是让柜台后面的那位女士过来瞧瞧。

2.The woman behind her in the queue for the phone invited her to stay at her home as long as she pked.另一名排在她后面的妇女请她到她家里来说,她可以愿意住多久就住多久。

3."The food is reserved for servicemen, " said the woman behind the counter.站在柜台后面的女人对他说:“食品只供应军人。”

4.After about ten minutes he finally started to come over, only to walk straight past me to the woman behind me.来来回回十分钟他终于径直走了过来…越过我,走向了我身后的美女…

5.I called to the woman behind the counter. She closed her mouth and brought a cloth to clean up the mess.但我还是叫来了柜台后面的女服务员,她紧闭着嘴,带着抹布过来收拾残局。

6.Audiences wanted to know more about the woman behind the face, but Garbo refused to talk.观众想知道更多关于她的幕后故事,但嘉宝拒绝透露。

7."You can take one home, " says the woman behind the counter, with a smile as sweet as butterscotch.“你可以带一个回家吃,”柜台后的女服务生带着奶油般甜甜的微笑。

8.if you are wilpng to make me the woman behind you, or are my armor will be a discharge to the bones in the idle woman, may Zhang Chi .如果你愿意我做你身后的女人,也好,我是一个卸下盔甲就会闲散到骨头里的女人,可张可驰。

9.Then when the woman behind the counter closes the window, she grabs a half-empty beer bottle and throws it through the glass.然后,当柜台后的女子关闭窗子之后,她抓起一个半空的啤酒瓶子,从窗子中扔过去。

10.Don't look round now but the woman behind us is wearing the most extraordinary clothes.现在别回头看,虽然我们后面那个妇女穿的衣服特别怪。