




1.空气清新 ... In your blue room 在你的蓝色房间里 The air is clean 空气清新 Your skin is clear 你的肌肤洁净 ...

2.空气纯净 ... In your blue room 在你蓝色的房间里 The air is clean 空气纯净 Your skin is clear 你肉体纯洁 ...

3.空气是清新的 ... The sky is blue. 天空是湛蓝的。 The air is clean. 空气是清新的。 The day is new. 新的一天又开始了。 ...


1.I grew up in the countryside where the air is clean, the grass is green and the birds sing all day long.我在农村长大,那里空气清新,绿草如茵,鸟儿整天在枝头欢唱。

2.Flame trees are in full bloom and the air is clean, seaweed is drying on the side of the road and narrow tracks lead to fishermen's beaches.出了城巴厘岛还是很美丽的,凤凰树上的花朵正盛开,空气清新,路边和通向渔村的小道边晾晒着海草。

3.The sky is blue and the air is clean. There are many famous spots attracting many tourists every year.天空是蓝色的,空气是那么清新。有许多著名的景点每年吸引了很多游客。

4.The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is clean. The day is new.碧绿的草地。蔚蓝的天空。新鲜的空气。这就是新的一天。

5.In the countryside, the air is clean, the food is fresh and houses are totally spacious with large yards around them.在乡下,空气是干净的,食物是新鲜的,房子都是宽敞的,并有大的院子围绕着。

6.The sky is blue and the air is clean.天是蓝蓝的,空气是干净的。

7.Everyone wants to pve in the place where the air is clean and the neighbors are friendly.每个人都希望居住在一个空气清新、邻里和睦的地方。

8.Today is a nice day. The weather is wonderful, and the air is clean.今天是个好天,天气晴朗,空气宜人。

9.The air is clean, and our neighborhood is quiet and safe.那里的空气是清洁的,我们的附近地区也是清净和安全的。

10.The air is clean and the skies are clear in Hainan.海南的空气清新,天空晴朗。