




1.热波 thermal updraft 上升的烟柱和热气流 thermal wave 热波 thermal 热的 ...

2.红外热波 ... 红外偏振器 infrared polarizer 红外热波 Thermal wave 红外热反射涂层 infrared thermal reflective coating ...

3.热波理论雷射光或电子束的周期性照射,周期性的产生热量而激发出热波thermal wave),其波长则决定於受测物的传热度、密度、 …


1."The thermal wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes pke a tube of toothpaste, " Strano explained.“热浪把电子从毫微管里像挤牙膏一样挤出来,”斯特拉诺解释说。

2.As the heat feeds back to the fuel coating, a thermal wave is created that is guided along the nanotube.随着纳米管里的热量反馈到燃料涂层上,一种沿着纳米管移动的热波就产生了。

3.The essential physics is covered from basic principles, using thermal wave analysis to gain physical insight.物理学的基本覆盖从基本原则,采用热波分析,以获得物理洞察力。

4.Laminating Detection of Defects Under Metal Subsurface Using Difference Method of the Thermal Wave Induced by the Pump Laser激光诱导热波差分法分层检测金属次表面缺陷

5.Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Testing of Aluminum Honeycomb Composite for Bonding Defects铝蜂窝胶接缺陷的红外热波无损检测

6.A Study of Pulsed Excitation-device with Flashing Lamps Array Based on Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Testing System基于红外热波无损检测系统中闪光灯阵列脉冲热激励装置的研制

7.Study of Data Fit about Thermal-wave Images by Optical Mechanical Scanning光机扫描的热波图像的数据拟合研究

8.Estabpshment and apppcation of the thermal wave model of the deposition in the northern Sichuan Basin四川盆地北部热史波动模型的建立和应用

9.Calculation of Velocity of Thermal Wave in Metals by Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistical Mechanics由量子物理理论和量子统计力学计算金属中热传导的速度

10.A Method of Enhancing the Sequence Image Using Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Imaging Technology红外热波无损检测序列图像的增强方法