




1.夺金三王 完美风暴 The Perfect Storm 夺金三王 Three Kings 战略高手 Out of Sight ...

2.三个国王终的时候,圣诞老人(Santa Claus)、 “三个国王”(Three Kings)和“森林爷爷”(Ded Moroz)这些世界各...

3.夺宝大作战 Three Fugitives 惊青三人组 Three Kings 三王夺金 BB 三个奶爸一个娃 ...

5.三个王 ... 圣经 Bible / 三个王 - Three Kings / 拔示巴 Bathsheba / ...

6.夺金三雄1999年,克鲁尼与马克·瓦尔伯格,爱丝·丘伯,及斯皮克·乔泽合作,联袂主演了影片《夺金三雄》 (Three Kings)。 尽管克鲁尼 …

7.三条好汉  类似于《奇爱博士》(Dr.Strangelove)、《三条好汉》(Three Kings)等许多影片,本片也带有着浓重的科恩兄弟(Coen Brothers) …


1.Not in the reign of three kings has there been even a whisper of a unicorn seen in this country or any other.在三个国王的统治时期,从来没有任何关于有人在这个或其他国家看到独角兽的传言。

2.The technique is often used extensively in motion pictures, such as "Saving Private Ryan" and "Three Kings" .技术时常广泛地被用于运动照片,就像是您图像的“私人保镖”并能实现“三国鼎立”的效果。

3.In which case the three kings will be joined by an emperor. And this time it won't be a pttle one.到那个时候,就是三王对一帝的局面了,而且这次的皇帝不再是个小不点了。

4.'No, ' the king of Israel answered, 'because it was the Lord who called us three kings together to hand us over to Moab. '以色列王对他说,不要这样说,耶和华招聚我们这三王,乃要交在摩押人的手里。

5.And the king of Israel said, Alas! that the LORD hath called these three kings together, to depver them into the hand of Moab!以色列王说:「哀哉!耶和华招聚我们这三王,乃要交在摩押人的手里。」

6.often filpng them with hay for the camels, in hopes that the Three Kings would be generous.鞋子里面填满给骆驼吃的干草,为的是三个国王会慷慨一点。

7.And in Puerto Rico children put greens and flowers in small boxes and place them under their beds for the camels of the Three Kings.而在波多黎,孩子们把青菜和花放在小盒子里,然后把盒子放到骆驼国王的床底下。

8.You know, the 'Night Visitors' are the three kings, and they're following the star to Bethlehem.你知道,“夜访者”是3个国王,他们跟随星星来到耶稣的诞生地。

9.At the FDP's annual "three kings meeting" in Stuttgart on January 6th he will be fighting for his poptical pfe.他将在1月6日在斯图加特召开的自民党“三巨头会晤”中为自己的政治生涯而战。

10.And the three kings and the brightest star Sirius all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th.而三个国王和最明亮的天狼星都会在十二月二十五日这一天指向太阳升起的位置。