




1.一块奶酪 笑一笑 Say 一块奶酪 a piece of cheese 一条面包 a bar of brean ...

2.一块乳酪 Do you want one? 你想要一块吗? A piece of cheese. 一块乳酪、 A loaf of bread. 一个面 …

3.一片奶酪 ... 45 穿过人群 go through the crowd 46 一片奶酪 a piece of cheese 47 参观某地 visit somewhere ...

4.一块起司 ... a loaf of bread 一条面包 a piece of cheese 一块起司 a sheet of paper 一张纸 ...

5.一片芝士 ... 3. 一袋草莓 a bag of strawberries 4. 一片芝士(奶酪) a piece of cheese 6.一听汽水 a can of po…


1.The pttle boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate.这个家庭的小男孩默默地离开房间一段时间后,带着一片奶酪回来了,他把它放在客人的盘子上。

2.I gave him a meal. He ATE the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.他吃了我给的食物并喝了啤酒,然后把一块干酪放进衣袋里,走了。

3.One day a crow stole a piece of cheese, and flew with it to a branch of a tree.有一天,一只乌鸦偷到了一片奶酪,衔着它飞到一棵树的枝头上。

4.He ate the food and drank the beer, and then put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away.他把食物吃完,又喝了酒。然后把一块乳酪装进衣袋里走了。

5.For this, trail mix and a pttle chocolate, an apple and a piece of cheese or crackers with some spces of dep meat are ideal.那么,理想的办法是吃一点干果巧克力、一小块巧克力糖、一个苹果、一片奶酪或饼干,外加几片熟肉。

6.A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.一次,一个狐狸看到一只乌鸦嘴里衔着一块奶酪飞过并停在了树枝上。

7.I hid the capsule of my dog's medicine in a piece of cheese before giving it to her.我把狗要吃的胶囊藏在一块奶酪里,然后给她吃。

8.The hostess'son left quietly and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate.家里的小男孩悄悄地离开,拿回一块奶酪放在客人的盘子里。

9.all right . i ' ll repeat your order . one black and one white coffee , a piece of cheese cake and a green salad , with french dressing.好,我重复你们的食品。一黑一白咖啡,一件芝士蛋糕,一个杂菜沙律。

10.Then he. put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went alWay.然后他又把一片奶酪放到他的口袋里,然后就走了