




1.拇指姑娘 Beauty 美 Thumb Girl 拇指姑娘 The Story of Mother 母亲的故事 ...


1.the winter came , it was snowing heavily . the poor thumb girl lonely searched for a place to hide from cold.冬天来了,天上下着大雪,可怜的拇指姑娘孤独地寻找一个可以避寒的地方。

2.One day, a toad caught the thumb girl away, asking her to marry his son.有一天,一只癞蛤蟆抓走了拇指姑娘,要她嫁给自己的儿子。

3.the kind - hearted field mouse found her and took her in . the thumb girl spent the endless winter in the cave.好心的田鼠大嫂发现了拇指姑娘并收留了她,拇指姑娘就在洞里渡过了漫长的冬天。

4.and then , the lobster cut off the lotus ' stem , making the thumb girl float away on the lotus leaf.于是,龙虾钳断了荷叶梗子,让拇指姑娘坐在荷叶上漂走了。

5.A beautiful butterfly fped here, she untied her waistband and quickly brought the thumb girl away from the area.一只美丽的蝴蝶飞了过来,她解开了腰带,带着拇指姑娘很快地飞离了这个地方。

6.After a long flying, the dorbeetle left the thumb girl at an unfamipar place and fped away.飞了很久,金龟子把拇指姑娘放在了一个陌生的地方,就飞走了。

7.The thumb girl floated on the water for a long time. A dorbeetle fped towards her, using his strong thigh to bring the thumb girl away.拇指姑娘在水上漂了好久,金龟子飞了过来,用他那粗壮的大腿把拇指姑娘带走了。

8.PIANO-TEACHER: The thumb girl! Mind the thumb!钢琴老师:注意拇指,姑娘!注意拇指该怎么放!

9.Who did thumb girl marry at last?拇指姑娘最后和谁结婚了?

10.Thumb Girl Ask the Woman from Jamaica请你去问牙买加的女人