


美式发音: [ɑkˈtoʊbər] 英式发音: [ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)]






1.十月the 10th month of the year, between September and November


n.1.the tenth month of the year, between September and November

1.十月 Septemper n. 九月 October n. 十月 November n. 十一月 ...

2.十月份 九月份 September 十月份 October 十一月 November ...

3.十月之雨 11 Send in the Clowns 音乐剧《小夜曲》 13 October 十月之雨 14 New Beginnings 启程之歌 ...

4.丨十月 enjoy 小梢 2-21 October 丨十月 sfreedom 王道 2-26 ...

5.十月革命 持摄影机的人 Man with a Movie Camera 十月革命 October 兵工厂 Arse…

6.十月号 August 创刊号 October 十月号 December 十二月号 ...

7.十月英文25026. 十月英文OCTOBER)是哪个罗马人的名字?→布鲁图,25027. 古埃及有多少年的历史?


1.Yet, the pngered fpes in the pavipon and fragmentary remains on the road make everything around seem to be out of the common in October.可是周围一切都异乎寻常,十月份在凉亭门廊上苟延残喘的苍蝇及公路上零碎的尸体。

2.after October 1st of 1949, this was a day on which a country formed uniform institutions and identified with its sovereignty.在1949年10月1日之后,这是一个国家形成一致的制度与主权认同的日子。

3.UBS, which suffered the biggest writedowns of any European bank, received a government bail-out in October.作为减记规模最大的欧洲银行,瑞银在去年10月获得了政府纾困。

4.They were arrested in October as they investigated a story about a woman sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery.他们因调查了一位妇女因为通奸被处以石刑事件,于十月份被逮捕。

5.He said he knew what they were, but there is not much he or Torre can do if their best hitters do not perform in October.他说,他晓得现在的状况,但是,假如他们最好的打者们在十月都没有表现,不论是他或者托瑞会长,所能做的并不多。

6.Kaltenbrunner was one of the main perpetrators of the holocaust and he was hanged after the Nuremberg trials on 16th October 1946.卡尔滕布伦纳是大屠杀的主要凶手之一,他于1946年10月16日纽伦堡审判之后被处以绞刑。

7.I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否安排会面,就以上建议作一详谈?

8.Industrial production grew by only 8. 2% in the year to October, less than half its pace a year ago and its slowest for seven years.今年十月工业产出增长仅8.2%,比去年同期的一半还低,创七年来之最。

9.The Associated Press reported October 6 that Romney already has lent $17. 5 milpon to his own campaign, and stands ready to spend more.美联社于10月6日报道说,罗姆尼已为自己的竞选投入1,750万美元,还准备投入更多的资金。

10.Athens will run out of cash in early October if the next tranche of the eurozone-International Monetary Fund rescue loan is not disbursed.如果下一笔欧元区-国际货币基金组织(IMF)救援贷款不能发放,雅典方面在10月初就会无钱可用。