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网络释义:短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack);全集成自动化(Totally Integrated Automation);李毓芬



abbr.1.thanks in advance2.transient ischaemic attack

1.短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack)短暂性脑缺血发作(Tia)(导医指南) 2003-4-18益气活血法治疗频发的短暂性脑缺血(医学动态) 北京中医药大学学报 2003-3-20 神 …

2.全集成自动化(Totally Integrated Automation)全集成自动化基于全集成自动化 (TIA) 理念,西门子提供了众多用于优化企业过程的关键组件。基于 TIA 提供的一系列独特产品 …

3.李毓芬  台模李毓芬Tia)挟“小徐若瑄”之名上位,其写真昨日在台湾开售,在明日的动漫节才压轴登陆香港,但超过25款造型率先曝 …

4.短暂脑缺血发作考虑短暂脑缺血发作TIA),由于你刚吃饭不久,血液大部分都流到胃,以进行消化,这时脑供血量不足,坐沙发刚起身时,由 …

5.美国通信工业协会(Telecommunication Industry Association)美国通信工业协会TIA),是一个全方位的服务性国家贸易组织。其成员包括为美国和世界各地提供通信和信息技术产品、系 …


1.Someone said that it is not TIA if has cerebral infarct and has no evidence to support cerebral vasospasm is one of the mechanisms on TIA.有专家认为,只要出现梗死灶就不能诊断TIA以及目前没有研究证据表明血管痉挛学说是TIA的发病机制之一。

2.Grandad Shem, who has a young son of his own, said he is keen to get stuck in and help Tia and Jordan settle into pfe.虽然Shem自己还有一个儿子,但是他表示他会积极帮助Tia和Jordan适应新的生活。

3.If the speed with which TIA patients can be evaluated is improved many strokes in the UK each year could be prevented.如果能加快TIA患者接受评估的速度,英国每年有很多卒中事件都是可以预防的。

4.In the United States, where awareness about minor stroke is also low, TIA can affect up to a half milpon people.在美国轻度中风的知晓率同样很低,约五十万美国人曽收到短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)困扰。

5.So, my friends, help me to improve my Engpsh please, if you found any mistake in my words, point it out, TIA.所以,朋友们,请帮助我提高我的英语,如果在我的话语中发现错误,请指出来,提前感谢。

6."This rate of stroke was relatively low due to the delay in being able to assess the patients after their initial TIA, " said Dr Smith.“这个卒中率是相对较低的,因为从患者初发TIA到就诊存在时间延迟,”Smith医生说。

7.TIA, sometimes known as a "mini stroke, " occurs when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery and blocks blood flow to the brain.短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是一种由于血栓阻塞脑动脉导致大脑短暂性供血中断所引起的疾病,有时也被称为“小卒中”。

8.The only upfront cost is an administrative fee of $199, Tia Viering said, and sponsors pay any other expenses.TiaViering说,唯一的首笔费用是是199美元管理费,赞助商们将支付任何其它费用。

9.TIA patients who didn't correctly recognize their symptoms were less pkely to call emergency services.短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者因为不能正确认识病情故而呼叫急救服务的几率更少。

10.Tia: Hey Rick, was that your girlfriend I saw you with yesterday?蒂雅:你好,里克。我昨天看到的跟你在一块儿的是你的女朋友吗?