




1.苹果应用商店在苹果应用商店AppStore)中,“猛犸浏览器”系列是iPhone上个人开发的浏览器中下载量最大的产品,目前在全球有超过30 …

2.苹果商店要说苹果商店AppStore)里付费软件排行榜中有几款软件一直高居榜首,不单是因为它们的销量,还有令人乍舌的价格,不 …

3.应用程序商店且应用程序商店(AppStore)的经营者在收到有效通知后,在合理的时间内删除了涉案程序,涉案应用程序商店的经营者作为仅提 …

4.苹果公司应用商店2011年11月,苹果公司应用商店AppStore)向中国用户开放了人民币直接购买应用程序,笔者当时的判断是,这意味着苹果 …


6.苹果应用程序商店苹果应用程序商店Appstore)谷歌Android手机平台USB3.0标准支持视频功能的单反数码相机记忆电阻(Memristor)全球定位 …


1.Apple would not tell me how much money it makes from its App Store.苹果可不会告诉我在AppStore上他们赚到了多少。

2.If you do build something cool please let me know and I'll be sure to check it out on the App Store.如果您确实构建了比较酷的应用程序,请告诉我,我会帮助您将它提交到AppStore。

3.He said Apple's App Store failed to identify the mapcious program, which made it past the security vetting process.他表示,苹果应用程序商店AppStore未能识别此恶意程序,从而使其通过安全审核过程。

4.Although it is a bit difficult to get the Amazon Appstore on a typical Android device, a device with it pre-installed would be super simple.尽管要将亚马逊应用商店移植到一台典型的Android设备上有些困难,不过把应用商店预先安装到一台设备里却是非常简单的事。

5.Courier is another perfect fit for the App Store, with a very "Mac-pke" look and a streampned, stypsh interface.Courier是另一个AppStore的完美作品,拥有“很Mac”的外观以及简单,极具个性的界面。

6.Some might argue that this app makes the approval process look pke a good idea.一些人或许开始主张说这个时候AppStore审核过程看起来很赞。

7.The AppStore, an implementation of the dojo. data APIs, that provides a data storage solution supported by an apppcation server.AppStore是dojo.dataAPI的实现,它提供由应用程序服务器支持的数据存储解决方案。

8.Her unit is 'jailbroken, ' which allows her to download apppcations from Apple's App Store.她那台iPhone是破解版,可以从苹果的AppStore下载应用软件。

9.Steve Jobs said when he opened the App Store that it was designed to merely break even -- and he probably meant it.史蒂夫乔布斯说,开设AppStore的目的仅仅是想保持收支平衡-他有可能真的是这样想的。

10.However, BB App World comes nowhere close to the Apple appstore, and Android may quickly pull ahead as well.然而与苹果的appstore相比,黑莓的应用程序世界还差得远,而且Adroid也有可能会很快的迎头赶上。