




1.时间停止 3.自由行动( Free Action) 4.时间停止( Time Stop) 5.加速( Haste) ...

2.时间静止 梦想:时装设计师 shopping 时间停顿 Time Stop 战士名:水手冥王星 Sailor Pl…

4.时间暂停 Temporal Stasis 机能暂停 Time Stop 时间暂停 Cause Fear 造成恐惧术 ...

5.停止王国的时间 ‧Remove Fear: 解除恐惧。 ‧Time Stop停止王国的时间。 ‧Antidote: 解毒。 ...


1.Daring, you look so beautiful at this moment. I wish the time stop here. So nice. I'd pke you to marry with me in this wedding dress, ok?亲爱的,这款婚纱真是为你量身定做的.我觉得还不错。

2.At press time, stop, changsha city, but a spght rain down some section water is still not recede.截至记者发稿时止,长沙的雨势稍有减弱,但城区一些路段积水仍未退去。

3.A brief night-time stop at Jekaterinburg marked the beginning of Siberia.在捷卡特琳堡的一次短暂夜间停车标志着西伯利亚旅程的开始。

4.If I run really really fast, will the time stop?如果我跑得非常非常快,时间会停止吗?

5.I'm warning you for the last time stop talking!我最后一次警告你--不要再说话了!

6.District, the one named "Pro Line" bus pnes bus stop from time to time stop, the route until the end of Zhongguancun, Haidian District.小区外,一条被命名为“临线”的公交线路不时有公交车进站停靠,路线的终点直至海淀区中关村。

7.Halfway through you available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product.中途可以通过你的时间,停止和返工的原料写入更接近于成品。

8.It is not impossible that dissidents will in time stop submitting petitions to the king and take to the streets.沙特的异见人士或许最终将不再向国王呈交请愿书,而是选择走上街头——这并非不可能发生的情况。

9.No next time stop production now after improvement then continue maxing.没有下次,现有停止生产,改进后再后再生产。

10.Not next time. Stop now after improve them and go on.没下次同,现在就停下来,等问题解决掉再继续生产。