




1.爱你的时间 ... Time to love 爱你的时间 SJ 在你心里多重要? ...

2.该爱就爱 国王的赌徒 King of Gamblers 至爱时间 Time to Love 内华达州 Nevada ...


7.花好月圆 ... 梦中人〈 ONE IN MY DREAM〉 花好月圆TIME TO LOVE〉 蓝天白云〈 WHITE CLO…

8.韩国男子团体 ... T - Ara 韩国超新星 Time To Love 韩国男子团体 Adizero Adios 2 Wide 我的好兄弟舞曲版 ...


1.There are a lot of things happening that show us that this, right now, is a time to love.我们身边充满各种各样的迹象预示着我们——就是现在——该去恋爱了。

2.Take as much time to love yourself as you do in helping others.花大量的时间爱你们自己,正如你们正在帮助其他人那样。

3.Someone lost the direction of affection before the love flower blooms, or lost the time to love and have no destiny with love.有的人,在爱情的花朵没有开放之前,就已经因为种种原因迷失了感情的方向,或者超越了鲜花绽放的时代,而与爱情无缘。

4.The best use of pfe is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.爱是人生最好的应用,最能表达爱的方法是付出时间,去爱最好的时刻就是现在。

5.It took me a long time to love wasabi, following an unfortunate first experience of sushi when I mistook it for avocado.我花了很多时间喜欢上绿芥末,主要是因为第一次吃寿司时的不幸经验:我把芥末当成了鳄梨。

6.A TIME TO LOVE again won Best Actress Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival 2005.2005年《情人结》获第八届上海国际电影节最佳女演员。

7.Take time to love and to be loved, it is the greatest gift of pfe.花些时间去爱与被爱-那是生命最宝贵的礼物。

8.So when we have time to love and a must properly grasp and cherished, not to wait until the loss of know remorse.所以当我们拥有爱的时候一定要好好的去把握和珍惜,不要等到失去了才知道悔恨。

9.If you judge people , you will have no time to love them.有闲论是非,无暇爱他人。

10.It is time to love your courage pke it is the more precious gold that you've ever been given.现在是该你爱上勇气的时候了,因为它是你至今得到的最珍贵的东西。