




1.今天还是明天 回不到原点 Cannot return to the zero point 今天还是明天 Today or tomorrow ...

2.我今天不做就明天做 ... T- shirt is too tight. 这件T恤衫太紧了。 today or tomorrow. 我今天不做就明天做。 my word for it. 相信我。 ...


1.Nicklas Bendtner's partner is in labour and he is due to be a father today or tomorrow. So I don't know if I will involve him.不过本特纳的妻子就快要分娩了,今天或者明天他就要当上父亲了,所以我还不知道是否要把他写进参赛名单里。

2.Yes, I've got it on the screen now. The equipment was dispatched yesterday and should be with you later today or tomorrow.是的,我在屏幕上找到了。设备已送出,今天或明天就可收到。

3."This problem will be discussed either today or tomorrow, " he said when asked who would replace Roberto Mancini.“这个问题将在今明两天讨论”,当被问到谁将替代曼齐尼时他回答说。

4.The magazines were dispatched yesterday and should be with you later today or tomorrow.杂志已发出,今天晚些时候或明天就可收到。

5.He might be leaving today or tomorrow.他可能今天或是明天离开。

6.Certainly. it would be particularly cdma goodyenging to explain our rigs over the phone. May I cma goody on you today or tomorrow?当然能够,在电话中先容我们的钻机可能角力计算繁难,我能够在这日或翌日去造访你吗?

7.Either today or tomorrow is all right.不管是今天还是明天都行。

8.Certainly, it would be difficult to explain our rigs over the phone. May I call on you today or tomorrow?当然可以,在电话中介绍我们的钻机可能比较困难,我可以在今天或明天去拜访你吗?

9.Certainly, It would be difficult to explain our cars over the phone. May I call on you today or tomorrow?当然可以,在电话中说明我们的车子会比较困难,我可以在今天或明天去拜访你吗?

10.If you're worried about being pigeonholed in a particular industry -- today or tomorrow -- start volunteering in different industries.如果你担心自己被限制在某个特定的行业的话——今天或者明天——尝试在不同的行业做做志愿者吧。