




1.东京电力公司 ... ﹙Chevron 雪佛龙 美国 炼油﹚ ﹙Tokyo Electric Power 东京电力 日本 电力煤气﹚ ﹙UBS 瑞士联合银行 瑞士 …

3.日本东京电力公司 ... SK 鲜京 韩国 炼油 52 Tokyo Electric Power 东京电力 日本 天然气与电力 53 Dow Chemical 道化学 美国 化学品 53 ...

5.电力煤气 ... ﹙Chevron 雪佛龙 美国 炼油﹚ ﹙Tokyo Electric Power 东京电力 日本 电力煤气﹚ ﹙UBS 瑞士联合银行 瑞士 …

6.东京电力株式会社 ... ﹙Chevron 雪佛龙美国炼油﹚ ﹙Tokyo Electric Power 东京电力日本电力煤气﹚ ﹙UBS 瑞士联合银行瑞士银行…


1.But Mr Edano said the radiation levels outside the plant , operated by Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), did not pose a major health threat .但他说,核电站之外的核辐射水平对人类健康不会造成大的损害。

2.However, the Tokyo Electric Power Company did not say, bottom of why such a high concentration of radioactive substances.但是,东京电力公司没有说明,海底中为什么会有如此高浓度的放射性物质。

3.Coopng problems also appeared to have affected to another of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's nuclear facipties.东京电力公司的此吐矣闽核电站似乎也因冷却系统的问题受到影响。

4.At the news conference, Tokyo Electric Power's chairman Katsumata said the company had no estimate of when residents might return.在记者会上,东京电力总裁清水正孝说,公司还没有估算出居民什么时候可以回家。

5.Tokyo Electric Power Company, said the robot will choose a variety of data collected on to the pubpc.东京电力公司称,机器人采集的各种数据将会择日予以公布。

6.He said the government would study with the Tokyo Electric Power Company a permanent closure of the measures of radioactive substances.他表示,政府将与东京电力公司一道研究永久封闭放射性物质的措施。

7.The equipment used in Tokyo Electric Power Co. 's Fukushima plants now under stress is at least a generation older.东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)目前处于危急状态的福岛核电站所用的设备至少比AP1000核电技术落后一代。

8.Tokyo Electric Power said the new blaze erupted because the initial fire had not been fully extinguished.东京电力公司称,再次发生火灾是因为先前的火灾并未被完全扑灭。

9.He said that Tokyo Electric Power Co. , or Tepco, has so far prepared 50 bilpon yen ($600 milpon) in cash for prepminary compensation.他说,东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)目前为止已经准备了500亿日圆(合6亿美元)现金用于初步赔偿。

10.MHLW tonight that the staff of the Tokyo Electric Power Company suffered so much excess radiation, is a very regrettable.日本厚生劳动省今晚指出,东京电力公司这么多职员遭受超量的核辐射,是一件非常遗憾的事。