




1.东京站 >> 原宿( Harajuku) >> 东京火车站( Tokyo Station) >> 东京铁塔( Tokyo Tower) ...

4.东京车站地区 ... MITA MIYAKO HOTEL( 三田都饭店) 东京车站地区( TOKYO STATION) 新宿车站西口( SHINJUKU STATI…

5.距离东京站涩谷区(Shibuya)和银座区(Ginza)以及东京站地铁Tokyo Station)。

8.东京站皇居门浅草寺(asakusa)—上野公园(ueno)—东京站皇居(tokyo station)三个必须搞定的地方,然后开始着手定宾馆。


1.At Tokyo Station, one of Japan's busiest subway terminals, shaken commuters grabbed one another to stay steady as the ground shook.在日本最繁忙的地铁站,东京站,站立不稳的上下班人群因为地面摇晃而互相抓扶以稳住自己。

2.At Tokyo Station, the city's main departure point for long-distance bullet trains, was no more crowded than usual on Thursday afternoon.东京火车站是从这座城市乘坐长途子弹头列车的主要出发点,周四下午并不比平时显得更加拥挤。

3.Earper this year, two officers approached me as I was exiting Tokyo Station and asked to see an ID and the contents of my purse.今年初,在我要离开东京火车站时,两位警察突然向我靠近,叫我出示身份证,并要求看我背包里边的东西。

4.Get out the north exit of Tokyo Station.从东京车站北边的出口走出去。

5.Jim was in his office near Tokyo Station, on the 22nd floor of a relatively new building.Jim(作者的男朋友)现在正在东京车站附近一座较新的建筑的22楼的办公室中。

6.If take the train ride from Tokyo station, JR DongHaiDao pne, Iraq, Iraq bean express corridor to geo station, about 2 hours to 35 minutes.若搭乘火车,可从东京车站搭乘JR东海道线、伊东线、伊豆特快至河津车站,约2小时35分钟。

7.Red brick and tiles used to build Tokyo Station.红砖尖顶的东京车站竣工。

8.To Tokyo Station . Can you make it in ten minutes ?去东京。十分钟能到吗?

9.'Now I really want to go home, ' said Ms. Kudo, at bustpng Tokyo Station.她在熙熙攘攘的东京车站说,现在我真想回家。

10.To get there take the Keiyo Line from Tokyo Station to Kaihin-Makuhari (about 30 minutes)and walk 10 minutes to the gardens entrance.要去那里可以从东京站乘坐京叶线到松籁亭站(约30分钟),然后步行10分钟至公园入口。