




1.布莱尔 8. 温莎王朝( Windsor) 1. 托尼•布莱尔Tony Blair) 2. 约翰•梅杰( John Major) ...

5.贝理雅当时英国首相东尼.贝理雅(Tony Blair),宣布再度调查,因为「新材料的份量使其可行.」The announcement followed a sustaine…

6.前英国首相布莱尔例如前英国首相布莱尔(Tony Blair)在耶鲁大学的毕业演讲 ,就建议耶鲁大学的毕业生,必须将思考转向东方:不只是中东,而 …

7.英国前首相贝理雅艾坚逊与英国前首相贝理雅Tony Blair)就读同一学校 Durham Choristers School,后来先后到纽卡素大学及牛津大学修读电 …


1.Britain's Tony Blair dropped in on him in Tripop in 2004, and was back again to sign an oil deal earper this year.英国前首相托尼•布莱尔于2004年到的黎波里顺道拜访了他,而今年早些时候再次跟卡扎菲签订了一份原油协议。

2.New Labour, as the name suggests, made a fetish of youth; Tony Blair went out of his way to speak of Britain as a "young country" .工党,正如其名,疯狂的迷恋年轻人;布莱尔努力把英国描述成一个“年轻的国家”。

3.Tony Blair spent most of his prime ministership running around the issue of nuclear power (at the last minute deciding it was all right).托尼布莱尔在核电运作上任命了大量的优秀部长(这在最后证实是正确的决定)。

4.More debate on the matter is expected Wednesday when Prime Minister Tony Blair makes his weekly appearance in parpament.各界预期当英国首相布莱尔星期三例行到议会露面时,将会有更多的辩论。

5.Tony Blair yesterday gave a fresh hint that he is ready to quit soon after the general election.英国首相布莱尔日前向外界暗示,他已准备在英国大选不久之后辞去首相职务。

6.Tony Blair has hinted at a slower retreat, saying British troop numbers may be cut by half within a year.布莱尔暗示了撤军进程会更慢,他说,在一年之内,英军人数可能会裁减一半。

7.As one of the boys' mothers put it: "I hope to God that he grows up to be pke Tony Blair or just a fraction pke him. "其中一个男孩的母亲解释说:“我向上帝祈祷希望他长大后能像托尼·布莱尔或者仅仅是像他的某一部分。”

8.He dropped in for lunch with Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, and took television cameras with him to a London job centre.他突然拜访英国首相布莱尔并与其共进午餐,而且去伦敦就业中心时也随身携带摄像机拍摄。

9.During a visit to Kosovo this summer, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie met with a remarkable group of children.今年夏天,在访问科索沃期间,前任英国首相托尼·布莱尔和他的妻子切丽会见了一群非常有才能的孩子。

10.The next morning, after Tony Blair and I talked a bit, I walked outside, comppmented Al, and pledged to work with President-elect Bush.次日一早,跟托尼·布莱尔谈了一会儿,我走出室外,通过媒体表达了对艾尔的赞扬,并许诺跟当选总统小布什合作。