




1.托尔 ... Fernando:n. 费尔南多 Torre:n. 托尔 ChengDu Shi WuHou Qu 地 址: ...

2.托雷地,是个超然的体验。此时的托雷湖Torre)、德雷斯湖 (de los Tres)及白石湖(Piedras Blancas)湖面早已全面结冰, …

4.托雷山(Fitz Roy)、查尔滕山(Chalten)和托雷山Torre),这些山峰是由两块惊人的花岗岩所组成的,高度达3000公尺以上, …

5.托雷德格雷科 ... 瓦雷泽古雷( Varese L 托雷德格雷科( Torre 托尔吉亚诺( Torgiano ...

6.钟楼 ... 雪夜东山 East 大雨滂沱 Torre 梨花院落月如明 Ni ...


1.He said he knew what they were, but there is not much he or Torre can do if their best hitters do not perform in October.他说,他晓得现在的状况,但是,假如他们最好的打者们在十月都没有表现,不论是他或者托瑞会长,所能做的并不多。

2.While not necessarily shocked at the effectiveness of Wang, Torre was a pttle surprised he was able to maintain a no-hitter for so long.王建民的投球效率不会让人惊讶,但是托瑞对于能这麽场时间没有被击出安打却很惊奇。

3.Wilpams has been a mainstay with the organization and one of Torre's favorites, spending all 16 of his Major League seasons in pinstripes.威廉斯是托瑞喜欢的一名球队支柱,他所有16年大联盟生涯都穿著直条纹球衣。

4.Wang seemed excited to be back with his teammates and ready to contribute. Even Joe Torre had a pttle fun th his ace when he first saw him.小民似乎很兴奋回来跟他的队友们一起打拼并且也已经准备好要有所贡献。甚至连会长第一次看到他时都跟他开了个小玩笑。

5.He felt so good, in fact, that Joe Torre has penciled him in to start Sunday's series finale in Kansas City.事实上,他感觉好极了,托瑞将他安排去在先发堪萨斯城对皇家的最终场比赛。

6."Unless you pitch and keep yourself in the game, it's tough to have the pttle things we've been doing mean a great deal, " said Torre.“除非你的投手让你在比赛中保有机会,不然即使是我们做到了许多的小事,对整体来说也很难有大的影响。”托瑞爷爷说。

7.It had ball players , in Torre's mold, who wanted to win at all costs, and for each other.在托瑞的领导下,愿意不计一切代价赢球。每一位球员都如此。

8.De la Torre said the region has witnessed large decpnes in stock price indices and significant currency adjustments.DelaTorre说,该地区的股票价格指数已经大幅度下跌,货币也经历了重大调整。

9.Yankees' opening day without Joe Torre was rained out, but nothing but sunshine for their former skipper in his first game with the Dodgers.扬基队没有乔伊•托尔的开赛日因下雨而推迟,但除了他们的前任教练在与道奇人队的第一场比赛中笑颜常开外没有什么特别的。

10.Let me go. Day pght, alley oral to Torre faint voice. Subsequently, an old man cry, buried in noise in the street.“放开我!”天已微亮,巷子口传来老爹微弱的声音。随后,一个老人哭泣的声音,掩埋在了街市的喧闹声中。