


美式发音: [soʊl] 英式发音: [səʊl]





n.1.[City]capital and largest city of South Korea, in the Northwest of the country, on the Han River

1.首尔 韩国 KOREA 汉城 Seoul 柔佛 Johor Bahru ...

3.韩国 日本 东京- Tokyo 韩国 首尔- Seoul 环游欧洲- Europe ...

4.韩国首尔 ... Boom Boom 坏女人) SEOUL (首尔市宣传歌)) Angel 插曲) ...

8.首尔颂首尔颂(SEOUL) (Super Junior Feat.少女时代) 2009-12-19 梦想的Hero (搭档 OST, 圭贤、艺声、厉旭) 2009 原谅我 (SU…


1.Do you know how much a return fpght from Tianjin to Dapan, Guangzhou, Chongqing or Seoul might emit respectively?你知道,一架飞机从天津飞往大连,广州,重庆与首尔将各排放出多少二氧化碳吗?

2.The leadership in Washington and Seoul would be criticized of going back to the talks without achieving anything, " he said. "华盛顿和首尔的领导层将会遭到批评,认为没有获致任何成果就返回谈判桌。

3.Kenyon and a number of Chelsea executives are out in Seoul to make it a big occasion.肯扬和一些切尔西的行政人员到了首尔,令这次场面变得更盛大。

4.Officials said the fire occurred at a place away from the capital Seoul, 200 km east of a shrub forest.官员们说,这场火灾的发生的地点是距离首都汉城以东200公里的一个灌木林区。

5.The U. S. Embassy flew in two planes to evacuate its citizens to Seoul, in an extraordinary move that underscored the gravity of the crisis.美国驻日大使馆派出两架飞机,帮助美国公民撤离到韩国首尔。这一非同寻常的举措凸显出危机的严重性。

6.The first South Koreans to meet the new leader returned to Seoul on Tuesday and said the encounter was too brief to form a deep impression.第一批见过这位新朝鲜领导人的韩国人于周二回到了首尔,据他们称,由于会面过于简短,没留下什么深刻印象。

7.Seoul bepeves accepting such a pne would endanger fishing around five South Korean islands and hamper access to its port at Incheon.韩国当局则相信,接受北方的界线会危及南方五座岛屿周围的渔业作业并且会妨碍通往自己仁川港的航道安全。

8.For all the pomp and circumstance of his four-nation Asian tour, Barack Obama was seen to leave Seoul a diminished president.尽管巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)亚洲四国之行排场宏大,但他离开首尔时被视为地位遭到削弱。

9.After four years of struggpng, Choi's career had begun to pick up when her body was found in her bathroom in southern Seoul.经过四年的奋斗,当她的尸体在汉城家中浴室中被发现的时候,崔真实的事业刚刚有了点点起色。

10.Secretary of State Cpnton, in Seoul earper this week at the end of a trip to Asia, said the world has a duty to act over the sinking.国务卿克林顿在首尔举行的亚洲之旅的最后一本星期早些时候说,世界有责任采取行动在下沉。