


美式发音: 英式发音: 



1.东陶,生产销售高质量、高工艺水平的卫生设备,1994年东陶TOTO)公司在北京成立北京东陶有限公司后,陆续在中国成立了 …

2.日本东陶 立邦油漆 Nippon 东陶卫浴 TOTO 富士胶卷 FUJI ...


1.Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held Toto in her arms.多萝茜抱着托托在臂弯里,坐在木筏的当中。

2.Then she cpmbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked.于是她从短墙上爬下来,走到她那里去,这时候托托在竹竿的四周跑着,吠着。

3.and 37kg in toto - a " monster receiver " in every sense of the word, but a beautiful one !和37千克全盘-一个“怪物接收的每一个字感”,而是一个美丽的!

4.One day, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's house got picked up in a storm with her and Toto in it!有一天,舅妈和亨利叔叔的房子有捡起风暴中,托托!

5.After the war, Toto Koopman returned to London and helped run the Hanover Gallery with her lover Erica Brausen (another wartime heroine).战后,托托•库普曼回到伦敦,协助她的情人、另一名战时女英雄艾丽卡•布豪森(EricaBrausen)管理汉诺威画廊(HanoverGallery)。

6.but Toto knew, and he walked close to Dorothy's side, and did not even bark in return.但是托托知道的,它靠紧着多萝茜的身旁走,不敢用吠声去回答。

7.Just for you, Toto, I'll tell you a story. Let's sit down a minute. Misery of miseries.我给你说个故事先立下…我这把老骨头真要命。

8.She lay down at once, and with Toto beside her soon fell into a sound sleep.她立刻躺下去,托托在她的旁边,她很快地熟睡了。

9.They ran to the door of the cellar, but Toto was afraid, and he ran under the bed. Dorothy ran after him.他们跑向地下室的门口,但是托托受了惊吓,钻到了床底,于是多萝西追了过去。

10.Each project differs from the next in its formal and visual language, yet somehow, in toto, they achieve a dialogue that works.每个项目都与下一个在形式、视觉上不同,尽管如此,他们之间仍有某种形式的对话。