




1.泪痕 Tricky 崔奇 Trail of Tears 泪痕 The Beatles 甲克虫/披头士 ...

2.血泪之路性上具有疑义。然而杰克逊的继任者马丁·范布伦严格执行条约内的条文,导致数以千计的却洛奇族人身死于“泪水小径”(Trail o

4.血泪寻迹 19. 最后对决 Strictly Business 20. 血泪寻迹 Trail Of Tears 21. 但见知心 Hind-Sight ...

5.泪径 《创伤 Wound_Down》 《泪径 trail of tears》 《罗伊的旋律 theme from rob roy》 ...


7.血泪的痕迹 High Control 严密监控 Trail of Tears 血泪的痕迹 Back From the Dead 死里逃生 ...

8.眼泪之路后来,派遣远征队西进,派军队把印第安人押送出密西西比河以东地区,印第安人被迫迁移的这条路也被称为“眼泪之路”(Trail o


1.The Trail of Tears was the forced relocation during the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians to areas west of the Mississippi River.十九世纪三十年代,东部林地的印第安人被强迫迁移至密西西比河以西,于是就有了“血泪之路”。

2.Sobel cautioned that, so far, this trail of tears may be leading his team to only part of the story.索贝尔提示说,目前为止,现在眼泪的线索只能将他的小组引导到故事的一部分。

3.This phrase of the Trail of Tears was the final tragic act in the enforcement of the fraudulent treaty of New Echota in 1835.这对泪径的最后一句是在新埃科塔欺诈行为的条约执行1835年的悲剧。

4.which became known as the "Trail of Tears" or "the trail where they cried" .这就是着名的“血泪之道”或称为“他们哭泣的道路”。

5.one for each group of Cherokees that marched on the Trail of Tears.一个花瓣代表一群沿血泪之道长征的切罗基人。

6.Is that a Tribe that will bring about real change in the world or will it end in a disappointing trail of tears?这样的一个“社会部落”会真的给这个世界带来变革或者在失望的泪痕中走向灭亡?

7.following the trail of tears沿着泪水之路

8.The Trail of Tears 1838血泪之路1838

9.by the Trail of Tears and other sad times, but also of the joy,由血泪史和其他悲惨时光引起的,而且记住美国本土文化和历史的欢乐