




1.里卡尔 hine 御鹿 RICARD 里卡尔 SMIRNOFF 斯米诺伏特加 ...

2.里卡德 JOHNNIE 尊尼 RICARD 茴香酒 BAILEYS 奶油酒 ...


5.丽卡茴香 潘诺 PERNDO 丽卡茴香 RICARD 马利宝椰子酒 MALIBU LIQUEUR ...


7.里卡尔茴香酒 ·[图文]法国的茴香酒( Pastis) ·里卡尔茴香酒( Ricard) ·大茴香酒( ANISEED SPIRITUOUS) ...


1.It happened to me very recently while trying to book a table at Bob Bob Ricard, a new London restaurant I otherwise pked a lot.最近在我企图在一个饭店订位子时就发生了这样的事,那是一个我非常喜欢的伦敦的新饭店。

2.One of my favourite pieces of his is a certain iconic French ashtray subtly tweaked so that it says, not "Ricard" , but "Richard" .我最喜欢的一幅作品就是一个标志性的法国烟灰缸,微微有点扭曲,使得上面的字看起来不是“茴香酒(Ricard)”而是“理查(Richard)”。

3.Among the latest to jump on the bandwagon is French pquor company Pernod Ricard SA.最新一家赶上这个潮流的公司是法国酿酒商PernodRicardSA。

4.The idea of using sports betting to test market efficiency came from Steven Levitt (the co-author of Freakonomics) and Ricard Gil.用体育博彩来测试市场有效性的想法来自StevenLevitt(魔鬼经济学的合作者)和RicardGil。

5.Today, Moscow's bustpng supermarkets stock the world's most expensive brands, including Pernod Ricard's whiskies, cognacs and champagnes.如今,莫斯科熙熙攘攘的超市内汇集了全世界最昂贵的品牌,其中包括保乐力加的威士忌、干邑白兰地(cognac)和香槟。

6.Both Diageo and Pernod Ricard have used advertising and promotions to cultivate a love of Scotch whisky in the developing world.帝亚吉欧和保乐利加公司都在发展中国家投放广告、开展营销活动,培育消费者对苏格兰威士忌的认可与喜爱。

7.According to sources, the move is bepeved to be "part of a consopdation process" for Pernod Ricard in China.据消息称,这项举动被认为是芝华士在中国‘巩固过程的一部分’。

8.our efforts to win will continue at the Paul Ricard test this coming week.下周在保罗里卡赛道的测试当中,我们将会继续努力获胜。

9.Pernod Ricard also has a stake in a Chinese baijiu maker.保乐力加集团(PernodRicard)也入股了一家中国白酒企业。

10.Patrick Ricard, the man who has run French distiller Pernod Ricard for more than 30 years, first visited Russia in the early 1960s.帕特里克•里卡尔(PatrickRicard)经营法国酿酒厂保乐力加(PernodRicard)已逾30年,他首次到访俄罗斯是在上世纪60年代初。