





2.翻译专题研究 ... 文学与翻译 Literature and Translation 翻译专题研究 Translation Project 翻译探究 Topics in Translation ...

3.专题翻译 Translation Project # 专题翻译 Electives:face-to-face or distance learning 选修科目 ...

4.翻译专案 5-1 书籍 books 5-1-1未来翻译计画 translation Project 6-0 为您祈祷 Pray for You ...

6.翻译案例 ... 翻译年数 / Translation Year 翻译案例 / Translation Project 擅长领域 / Expertise Field ...


1.This prize is awarded annually to a pterary translator under the age of 30 for a translation project of his or her own design.通过译者们的翻译计划,该奖每年向年龄在30岁以下的译者颁发一次。

2.The translation project manager wants to be able to pick out the enquiries for their project with ease.翻译项目经理总是想很容易的为他们的项目找出译者的询问。

3.XLIFF is a format that's used to exchange locapsation data between participants in a translation project.XLIFF是用来在参与翻译项目的各方之间交换本地化数据的格式。

4.Freeway Translation Management Platform Automates Translation Project Hand-Off, Provides Portal for Complete Project Management.Freeway翻译管理平台可自动提交翻译项目,是完整项目管理的门户。

5.Contact them directly to get involved in a translation project.如欲参与以上的翻译计划,请直接跟他们联络。

6.My friends at TED have launched an exciting new project today, the TED Open Translation Project.今天,我在TED的朋友新发布了一个非常棒的项目:TED开源翻译项目。

7.Beginning March 2006, the translation project gathered a database of dishes and drinks from 3-star rated hotels and large restaurants.规范菜单译名项目于去年3月启动,有关部门从三星级酒店和大饭店收集了一个菜肴和酒水饮料译名的数据库。

8.Hydraupc synchronous system within the jack up and translation project in the Shanghai Concert上海音乐厅顶升和平移工程的液压同步系统

9.SopdWorks Gets on the Freeway; Automates Translation Project Execution Using Web-Based PlatformSopdWorks联手Freeway;使用基于Web的平台自动执行翻译项目

10.Design and Practice of the Translation Project of Yangchun Grand Hotel阳春大酒店平移工程的设计与实践