


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃɪvə]



n.1.seven days of formal mourning observed by close relatives of a deceased Jew during which they sit on low stools and do not go out, work, bathe, or shave2.in Hinduism, an important deity, worshipped as the god of destruction

1.湿婆 Krelpon( 克洛林) Shiva希娃) Tyraxor( 塔洛希尔) ...


1.Legend has it that knowledge of yoga was first passed by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati and from there into the pves of men.传说中,湿婆神西瓦最先把瑜伽的知识教授给他的妻子帕尔瓦蒂,从那以后瑜伽开始在人间流传。

2.Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped pke a scarf around his neck.而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。

3.She is often shown standing on the inert form of her consort, Shiva.她经常站在她的配偶,无活动性的湿婆上面。

4.Shiva, in Hindu lore, is Planet X and Kap, the Dark Twin, is his wife.印度传说中的湿婆,就是X星而卡莉,黑暗双星,是他的妻子。

5.Shiva restored pfe to the dead boy, but this could not pacify the outraged sage Kashyapa, who was one of the seven great Rishis .湿婆把生命储存在死亡的男孩里,但这并不能平静圣人卡斯雅帕的暴行,他是七位伟大圣者之一。

6.Shiva then brought his own son there and substituted his head with that of Gajasura.湿婆然后把他的儿子带来,套上了加杰修罗的头。

7.Shiva belongs to a colony of monkeys who have been fattened up to help scientists study the twin human epidemics of obesity and diabetes.科学家们将一群猴子催肥,用来帮助他们研究人类的一对孪生流行病——肥胖症和糖尿病,希瓦就是这群猴子中的一只。

8.Gajasura continued his penitence and Shiva, who appeared in front of him from time to time, asked him once again what he desired.加杰修罗继续他的悔罪,而湿婆,不时地出现在他面前,再一次问他想要什么。

9.Shiva granted even this request and he took up residence in the demon's stomach.湿婆甚至准许这种要求,他占据了这个魔鬼的胃。

10.Of course you can! And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva.我保持门一直为你敞开,就像约书亚,弥赛亚,库图弥,和湿婆一样。