




1.三一教堂...三位 …

4.三一教会位于百老汇街(Broadway)与华尔街交叉口的三一教会(Trinity Church),建于1697年,高达26公尺的尖塔是最显著的特征,玫瑰 …

5.特尼提教堂他在临终之时要求纽约特尼提教堂Trinity Church)为其举行圣餐礼时,却一度被拒绝,原因是他始终难以放弃“决斗”这一有违 …

6.特里尼蒂教堂特里尼蒂教堂Trinity Church)、城堡公园(Castle Garden)、关税大厦(Customs House)、商品交易所和市政厅一起形成 …

7.纽约三一教堂纽约三一教堂Trinity Church)位于纽约市曼哈顿下城的百老汇大道79号(百老汇大道与华尔街的交汇处),是圣公会纽约教 …


1.Kent Popce said they did not arrest the Holy Trinity church vicar because it was an environmental health issue.肯特郡警方表示,他们并未逮捕这位三一教会牧师,因为这并非环境卫生议题。

2.After lunch, we go with our leader to "Holy Trinity" Church. The old church is in a small park which is nearby Cecil square.午饭后我们跟领队去了“HolyTrinity”教堂,原教堂坐落在Cecil广场旁边的一个公园里。

3.In honor of the inauguration of President Barak Obama, Trinity Church in New York rang its bells for three hours.为了庆祝奥巴马总统就职,纽约的三一教堂让响钟三个小时。

4.I'm also fond of Trinity Church, which houses the Episcopal chapel where George Washington worshiped as president.我也很喜欢三一教堂,乔治华盛顿曾在其总统任内在这里的主教礼拜堂做礼拜。

5.I'd pke to see Trinity Church.我想看三一基督教堂。

6.trinity church . we have to go inside trinity church三一教堂我们必须进入三一教堂

7.The centuries-old Trinity Church stands between two skyscrapers on Wall Street华尔街上,世纪之久的三一教堂坐落在两座摩天大楼之间