




1.二十美元 Virtue 美德 Twenty Dollars二十美元) Love Your Life (热爱生活) ...

2.由二十元中付出十元五角 ... nine cases ~ ten 十之八九 pay ten dollars and fifty cents ~ twenty dollars 由二十元中付出十元五角 ...

3.二十美金 ... 6 The Smile 微笑 7 Twenty Dollars 二十美金 8 Love and Time 爱与时间 ...

4.二十蚊 《消逝的倒影》 Fading Reflections 《二十蚊Twenty Dollars 《热浪》 Heat Wave ...

5.贰拾蚊 "Lighter Than Love"《 档案无法删除》 "Twenty Dollars"《 贰拾蚊》 "A Tale of Two Cities"《 双城 …


1."I'll take twenty dollars out of your wages, " she said shortly, "and I'll be back and discuss the matter further in the morning. "“我要扣你20块钱工资,”她狠狠地说。“明天早上我再来跟你谈这件事。”

2.Earning twenty dollars a week , John barely keeps his head above water .约翰一星期赚二十元,虽然不用举债度日,但过得很勉强。

3.She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesnt go far.她花去好几个月的时间,用了最大的努力一分一分地攒积下来,才得了这样一个结果。

4.How much are these pants? They are $20(twenty dollars).这些裤子要多少钱?他们要20美元。

5.So he said he'd sell me one for twenty dollars. A four-hundred-dollar camera for twenty bucks.所以他卖我一台二十美元。四百美元的摄像机卖二十美元。

6.Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.每周花二十美元不在遥远。花费比她计算还要多。

7.I'm sorry , Madam , but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulpng your boy's tooth .对不起,夫人,为您孩子拔牙我要收取20美元。

8.Twenty dollars a week is the total of their income.每周二十美元是他们全部的收入。

9.I am sorry, madam, but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulpng your boy's tooth.如此计算“对不起,夫人,为您的孩子拔牙,我们要收取20美元。”

10.Instead of standing in pne at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine.我们用二十秒从自动取款机里取出二十元钱,而不会去银行排队等候。