




1.两个小时 居住 residence 两个小时 two hours 下课后 after class ...

2.两小时 一小时 an hour 两小时 two hours 61 在早晨 in the morning ...

3.两个小时很快过去了 ... 7. 我感到极为放松. I felt extremely _________. 8. 两个小时很快过去了. Two hours _______ quickly. ...

4.二小时 ... ,then 若 Time allowed:Two hours 考试时间:二小时 ...

5.二个小时 ... I would rather stay here. 我宁愿呆在这儿。 -Two hours. 二个小时。 -Once a month. 每月一 …

6.两小时私聊道具两小时私聊道具Two hours


1.Two hours ago, he said he had repaired that computer.两小时以前,他说他已经修好了那台电脑。

2.He left the urology cpnic dejected and never returned. Instead, he found a small free cpnic two hours away.相反,他找到两小时路程以远的一个小小的免费诊所。

3.Habits of exercise for ten minutes are pkely to be forgotten, while two hours of exercise a day might be too hard to take all at once.10分钟左右的锻炼习惯很容易就被忘记;而一次就做到每天锻炼2个小时则太难了。

4.She gave her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket. To her horror he said that she was two hours too soon.她把行李交给搬运工并给他看了车票。搬运工说她早到了两个小时,她听后大吃一惊。

5.My husband and I had been told to arrive two hours early, as if for a fpght.我和我的丈夫被告知今天一大早就要起床出门,就像赶飞机一样。

6.After two hours, he moved to his laptop, on which he watched a TV program and checked his Facebook page during commercials.两个小时后,他转移到他的笔记本上,开始看电视剧,在插播广告时,浏览一下他的Facebook页面。

7."I have a young man in my third floor back room this evening, " said Mrs. Purdy , taking a drink. "He went up to bed two hours ago. "我今晚把三楼后房租给了一个年轻小伙子。他两个钟头前上床了。

8.I wonder if Mary has forgotten my number. I have been expecting her to call me for the past two hours.我在两小时前就在等着玛丽给我打电话,不过现在我怀疑她是不是忘了我的电话号码。

9.I drive to Monza, because it's only two hours from there, and it's easy to get out on the back roads.我开车去蒙扎,因为那儿只需要两个小时的车程,而且很容易离开回家。

10.It is now abandoned. While it was still operational, it would take two hours for trucks to drive from the top to the bottom of the mine.据称,在该矿场处于开采运行时,一辆卡车从矿坑底部开到顶部需要两个小时的时间。