

fuck off

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第三人称单数:fucks off  现在分词:fucking off  过去式:fucked off  




na.1.an extremely offensive expression used for telpng someone to go away when you are angry with them

1.滚蛋 go to hell 去死吧 fuck off 滚蛋 suck my dick “咬 ”分开读 ...

2.滚开 fuck 草 fuck off 滚开 sons of bitches 婊子,王八蛋 ...

3.滚一边去 ... 茫然—我他妈的什么都知道!( I know fuck-all about it. ) 方位—滚一边去!( Fuck off. ) Unit 1:Greetings …

4.美粗滚蛋 fuck-you![ 美粗]去你妈的!(表示坚决拒绝) fuck off[ 美粗]滚蛋[开] She is a real fuck.( 没有特定的侮辱) ...

5.让开,去死吧 ... Fuck you– 去你的;他妈的 Fuck off让开,去死吧;偷懒 Fuck around– 胡搞,乱来,瞧不起,混吃 …


1.fuck off, you think i have no idea of what you've done outside?滚蛋,别以为你在外面鬼混我什么都不知道!

2."Fuck off America" had been scrawled in red on the wall of the American compound.美国使馆区的一面墙上被涂上红色的“美国滚蛋!”

3.Dunham: You reckon? Mate, I think you should get on the next train and fuck off out of here. Before something bad happens.当翰:你觉得呢?老兄,我想你该搭下班列车滚出这里。一些衰事发生前。

4.He was bugging me and I told him to fuck off!他老是骚扰我,我就叫他滚远点!

5.l know! But tell her to fuck off! You're always telpng them to fuck off!我知道!但你骂她一顿就行了!你总是把别人臭骂一顿!

6.Some could be tempted by a new popupst movement calpng itself "Nakh-Nakh" (read: "fuck off" ), which urges voters to spoil their ballots.有些人可能想用一种命为“Nakh-Nakh”(“滚开”)的新的民粹主义运动来诱惑选民,令他们破坏投票。

7.If he comes here bothering you, tell him to fuck off.如果他来捣乱,让他走开。

8.I said Fuck off(swearing word) to them and then runaway.我对他们说滚蛋,赶快跑了。

9.So if you don't get the fuck off my property, I'm gonna sue you and your fucking paper.所以如果你不赶紧夹着尾巴滚出我的地盘,我就要控告你和他妈你的报社。

10.Train a dog to run to you immediately after you said "Fuck off" .训练宠物狗,让它听到滚这个字后马上来到你身边。